Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fwd: AUM Re: Aswathama Athaha Kunjaraha ! krshna Blows the Conch!

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From: Aswathama <>
Date: Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 7:33 PM
Subject: AUM Re: Aswathama Athaha Kunjaraha ! krshna Blows the Conch!

The Plot thickens..teh fifteenth day..  Duryodhana is ready to reach Yudhitrar..
now Yudhistrar is known for his truth and his chariot never touches the ground and is always 4 incehs above the ground..
Dronacharyar the teacher of Archery for Both sides.. lives his life for only one sake.. that of his son ASWATHAMA ( MELCHI ZEDEC)..Aswathham and Duryodhana are great friends..

Krshna is there.. as Arjuna had gone on his own..
DronaCharya is in front of Yudhistrar..
and Duryodhana is there.. too
and Krshna is there in the Chariot of Yudhsitrar..
now.. Krshna decides that Dharma is superior to Truth ( he knows how his guru and shakunis guru was crucified against all dharma)
krshna advises to speak a lie.. for the first time in his life.. in the life of Yudhistra..
he says.. you should say " aswathhama ATHAHA Kunjaraha)
that is Aswathhama ( name of an elephant.. athaha) Kunjaraha..
Yudhsitrar is convinced by Krshna as he says.. He shall take care of his Lies..
When Yudhistrar begins to say
Aswathhama ,,, athaha ( this is the time Krshna BLOWS HIS CONCH AND protects Yudhistrar from a lie ".. Dronacharyar does not listen to teh Elephant..
he belives his son is dead and drops his bows and arrows..
and assumes a Yogic Posture..
then Dhristathymana cuts off the head of Drona
the worst possible Adharmic way of killing.. but again related to Karma.. and pervious birth of Drona and the borther of Drowpathy..
Yudhistrar.. chariot for the first time touches the ground
and for this half lie.. he had to visit Hell..
so dharma is superior to Truth when it comes to protection of human race and so on
                                           Om Namah Shivaya
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