Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fwd: [shivayoga] Re: Celibacy ....... and Sexual Promiscuity ... ....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sehsa Gopalan@1026 <>
Date: Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 6:53 PM
Subject: [shivayoga] Re: Celibacy ....... and Sexual Promiscuity ... ....

THis Is Just A Blast.. a Tusnami of a Message.
YEs Keralite women,.. we used to compare them IN tamil,,refeering to
COCONUT ! and the way Coconut is Grated !! Tamilians will know this..
TanTra and TanBRA.. expansion.. YES..

My good nesss.. What a Form you are in,,and sUMMARISING ENTIRE
Celibacy ,,Hypocircy in Celibacy,,in just one ZIP Language.. Celibacy
of MIND..

Not sure where is Haresh.. may be travelling i think. I shall give
him a call.
Chittha.. is going to be ballistic,,reading your message..

THAT NISSAN JEEP CAR.. As I said IS one of your past lives...
and once you figure out the koan in the munite details... which is to
do wiht an Incident in Gokulam.. and then You will appreciate My
and You will know what i said was right
about Saraswathi as

Maha Kala VALLI..

there is one more birth in a different koan.. when I tell you the
detaisl.. you shalll agree wiht me..
and your energy levels.. are alreaey high..
but You will become Manic... rather

More Manic..

--- In, "adi_shakthi16" <adi_shakthi16@...>

> Wow! Don't even mention these topics in front of me - i get too
> worked up! in my school days when i was studying in a convent , i
> have seen how 'amorous' those middle aged kerala christian nuns
> behind those white SAREES!!in fact , i have seen one of them
> through the pages of Vatsayana's 'Kama sutra' lingering on
> the '"Charunarikshita' POSITION ( lovely lady in control) - you
> know , kerala women are goddesses who love to be in total control
> their men folk ( matriarchical society) ! Lol:) if they don't
> the technique , they can always join Mother Teresa's Divine Order!
> and those muslim women wearing the black purdah had
such 'wandering'
> eyes that would put even a gazelle to shame! i remember when my
> handsome brother and i used to stand in our balcony of our multi-
> storyed house , there was one muslim college girl who always used
> look up to see if her eyes could catch a glimpse of my brother's
> handsome face ! Yes, those eyes were always looking for 'mere
> meheboob' She was hiding her 'bobobs but her eyes told a different
> story - the come hither look!
> and don't even talk about those Parish priests - The most
> and corrupt - The church is full of them - pedophiles , sexual
> perverts , with different sexual orientations , - i sometimes
> whether they are there to hear confessions or have their own
> confessions to make!
> and last but not the so called Hindu Swamis --- they can write
> treatises on 'Sringara ' shatakam which would even put King
> Bhatruhari to shame!At least , Bhatruhari wrote his vairagya
> shatakam after shringara shatakam - but these so called sanyasis
> are 'kapata' sanyasis - wearing ochre robes and carrying a
> kamandalam, all they think of is how to seduce a helpless woman!
> Hare krishna movement is full of such kapata sanyasis!
> Haresh is making a valid point - in societies where 'sex' is a
> taboo , all kinds of Sexual promiscuities prevail - there is
incest ,
> rape , molestations and perversions !
> The point i am trying tyo make is - celbacy is not a state of the
> body ! it is a state of mind !
> SHATAKAM after his sexual experiences in the body of a king - of
> course , we hindus love to deny 'sex' and i always wonder how come
> India's population is so high where the only form of entertainmkent
> is 'copulation ' and not golf or football or even cricket!
> Guys , Sex is good ! Good sex is even better but my only advice to
> all young men/women is 'be safe , don't be sorry !'
> Bill gates may be a billionaire but he cannot spend all his
> in India ( specially Chennai) where 'Aids' is spreading faster than
> Tsunami!
> and incidentally , Tantra is not just 'sex, black magic ,
> witchcraft ' - it is a Whole Science which teaches you how to use
> body to expand the cosciousness ! Tan means bodty - tra
> means 'expanding' - use the body to expand your consciousness!
> a while , too much sex is more boring than too little sex! This is
> called 'saturation ' point! There is a world of difference between
> Thusti (satisfaction) and Santhushti ( happiness)
> i leave you with this note
> "IF DRINkng wine is liberation, all drunkards should attain
> perfection; if eating meat leads to higher regions, all meat eaters
> would be meritorious; if cohabitation with woman opens the gates
> liberation, all creatures with natural mating instincts would enter
> the gates of liberation. "
> ps - did i hear someone say women don't have Kubndalini? Even
> have 'kundalini' shakthi! only they are not aware of it!

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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