Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fwd: [shivayoga] HIV/AIDS cure

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: yoga4you <>
Date: Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 3:28 AM
Subject: [shivayoga] HIV/AIDS cure

UT pathologists believe they have pinpointed Achilles heel of HIV
Medicine & Health / HIV & AIDS
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) researchers at The University of
Texas Medical School at Houston believe they have uncovered the
Achilles heel in the armor of the virus that continues to kill

The weak spot is hidden in the HIV envelope protein gp120. This
protein is essential for HIV attachment to host cells, which initiate
infection and eventually lead to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
or AIDS. Normally the body's immune defenses can ward off viruses by
making proteins called antibodies that bind the virus. However, HIV
is a constantly changing and mutating virus, and the antibodies
produced after infection do not control disease progression to AIDS.
For the same reason, no HIV preventative vaccine that stimulates
production of protective antibodies is available.

The Achilles heel, a tiny stretch of amino acids numbered 421-433 on
gp120, is now under study as a target for therapeutic intervention.
Sudhir Paul, Ph.D., pathology professor in the UT Medical School,
said, "Unlike the changeable regions of its envelope, HIV needs at
least one region that must remain constant to attach to cells. If
this region changes, HIV cannot infect cells. Equally important, HIV
does not want this constant region to provoke the body's defense
system. So, HIV uses the same constant cellular attachment site to
silence B lymphocytes - the antibody producing cells. The result is
that the body is fooled into making abundant antibodies to the
changeable regions of HIV but not to its cellular attachment site.
Immunologists call such regions superantigens. HIV's cleverness is
unmatched. No other virus uses this trick to evade the body's

Paul is the senior author on a paper about this theory in a June
issue of the journal Autoimmunity Reviews. Additional data supporting
the theory are to be presented at the XVII International AIDS
Conference Aug. 3-8 in Mexico City in two studies titled "Survivors
of HIV infection produce potent, broadly neutralizing IgAs directed
to the superantigenic region of the gp120 CD4 binding site"
and "Prospective clinical utility and evolutionary implication of
broadly neutralizing antibody fragments to HIV gp120 superantigenic

First reported in the early 1980s, HIV has spread across the world,
particularly in developing countries. In 2007, 33 million people were
living with AIDS, according to a report by the World Health
Organization and the United Nations.

Paul's group has engineered antibodies with enzymatic activity, also
known as abzymes, which can attack the Achilles heel of the virus in
a precise way. "The abzymes recognize essentially all of the diverse
HIV forms found across the world. This solves the problem of HIV
changeability. The next step is to confirm our theory in human
clinical trials," Paul said.

Unlike regular antibodies, abzymes degrade the virus permanently. A
single abzyme molecule inactivates thousands of virus particles.
Regular antibodies inactivate only one virus particle, and their anti-
viral HIV effect is weaker.

"The work of Dr. Paul's group is highly innovative. They have
identified antibodies that, instead of passively binding to the
target molecule, are able to fragment it and destroy its function.
Their recent work indicates that naturally occurring catalytic
antibodies, particularly those of the IgA subtype, may be useful in
the treatment and prevention of HIV infection," said Steven J.
Norris, Ph.D., holder of the Robert Greer Professorship in the
Biomedical Sciences and vice chair for research in the Department of
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at the UT Medical School at

The abzymes are derived from HIV negative people with the autoimmune
disease lupus and a small number of HIV positive people who do not
require treatment and do not get AIDS. Stephanie Planque, lead author
and UT Medical School at Houston graduate student, said, "We
discovered that disturbed immunological events in lupus patients can
generate abzymes to the Achilles heel of HIV. The human genome has
accumulated over millions of years of evolution a lot of viral
fragments called endogenous retroviral sequences. These endogenous
retroviral sequences are overproduced in people with lupus, and an
immune response to such a sequence that resembles the Achilles heel
can explain the production of abzymes in lupus. A small minority of
HIV positive people also start producing the abzymes after decades of
the infection. The immune system in some people can cope with HIV
after all."

Carl Hanson, Ph.D., who heads the Retrovirus Diagnostic Section of
the Viral and Rickettsial Disease Laboratory of the California
Department of Public Health, has shown that the abzymes neutralize
infection of human blood cells by diverse strains of HIV from various
parts of the world. Human blood cells are the only cells that HIV

"This is an entirely new finding. It is a novel antibody that appears
to be very effective in killing the HIV virus. The main question now
is if this can be applied to developing vaccine and possibly used as
a microbicide to prevent sexual transmission," said David C.
Montefiori, Ph.D., director of the Laboratory for AIDS Vaccine
Research & Development at Duke University Medical Center. The abzymes
are now under development for HIV immunotherapy by infusion into
blood. They could also be used to guard against sexual HIV
transmission as topical vaginal or rectal formulations.

"HIV is an international priority because we have no defense against
it," Paul said. "Left unchecked, it will likely evolve into even more
virulent forms. We have learned a lot from this research about how to
induce the production of the protective abzymes on demand. This is
the Holy Grail of HIV research -- development of a preventative HIV

Source: University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

» Next Article in Medicine & Health - HIV & AIDS: Exhausted B cells
hamper immune response to HIVwould you recommend this story?

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: yoga4you <>
Date: Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 5:39 AM

conner has almond shape eyes, color of almonds-
like liquid red tree bark soma abyss

death dies in conners eyes
chandogya upanishad drips from his honey lips

his action and inaction is jnanadeva's love of sport
he is deeply connected to NATHAn, his younger brother

he lives and breathes spontaneously, and lives as a busy butterfly
he devours fruits so hungrily, and indulges in problems of people,
mad to be of service

conners adornments are kundala, and he is marked by symbols of triple
knotted celtic cross, skeletons of swallows (birds), the rose and the
sword, the rose which is pierced by the sword he is crazily
independent- but is deeply engaged and embraced by people

As a little child he often did shan mukhi mudra! even while running!
Blessed with divine hearing, he listens to drums of ancient ones-
and his Native name is Turtle, who is responsible for the Creation of
earth and sustainment of the land; and whose characteristics are
ancient wisdom and carefulness. Turtles carry thier homes on thier
back, nomadic in Nature. They are patient, and long lived (conner
needed to bear this blessing). They bear the blessing of land & sea,
of emotion and rational. They tend to be shy, or introverted in
Nature, although very emotional- this emotion is suppressed deep
within them. Turtle people tend to feel exposed and vulnerable since
birth, and challenged often in life growing up...

Such is my turtle conner, with almondshaped red-bark soma abyss

--- In, adi_shakthi16 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Hey yogini/dakini
> you have 3 boys ? nathan, connor and joseph ?
> they are all cute ! i like the beatles one though - specially his
> hairstyle and those eyes! i used to love George harrison ! i have a
> picture of me taken as Ringo starr when i went to liverpool in
2002 !
> your kids are you blessing ! my hugs and kisses to them all!
> actually idlis are insipid ! more known for their nutritious value
> taste But it is the chutneys/sambhar etc that add value! Just like
> toppings on a pizza!
> now , Socrates was the one who corrupted the youth of his times but
> you abd i are corrupting poor angel ! he is speechless after my
post on
> necrophiliacs !
> let me tell you something about an all vegetarian diet - it is not
> healthy - produces a lot of 'wind' and bile (piita ) you need agni
> in your diet ( fire) some meat !

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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Fwd: [shivayoga] I am Corrupted and Polluted by IDLI

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: adi_shakti16 <>
Date: Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 1:22 AM
Subject: [shivayoga] I am Corrupted and Polluted by IDLI

YES What is Corruption? is love corrubtile? YES i say

Is love.. can love be polluted?

Yes I nod..

Let me be corrupted By a cat and a tigress

I dont care

becos i am alreasy corruped,,,

and I need ot refer to ISaiah 36 12
this IDLI sells ever where ..evern in Synogogues..

that i was not aware of

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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Fwd: [shivayoga] I am nog a HUG as I am a THUG/ as IDLI is not a Huggie but a Thugiee

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: adi_shakti16 <>
Date: Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 1:18 AM
Subject: [shivayoga] I am nog a HUG as I am a THUG/ as IDLI is not a Huggie but a Thugiee

Its all YOur falut.. YOU said you like MACHO More than NACHO..

So beocs of you I fell in love with Raveesheara..

and I tranformed you to Mandhoshar..

Yes IN this shiva yoga. You are my Hladhini shakthi

But in sai baba2 groups..

I am Ravana teh MACHO and you are my Mandhodsari

Hey dani... join the yahoo group sathyasaibaba2 and post two messages..


This angel of golden age.. Dear IDLI is Indrajeet

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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Fwd: [shivayoga] Re: D's 24 Gurus/RedinYoga

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: adi_shakthi16 <>
Date: Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 1:09 AM
Subject: [shivayoga] Re: D's 24 Gurus/RedinYoga


Wow! well, i loved them all but i liked 23 on Spider the best !

you write :

"The Spider teaches me of weaving, of tantra. It teaches me of
power of creation, of weaving dreams and reality. The Spider teaches
me of patience, of generating, careful generation, of art and beauty.
The Spider teaches me of trappings, of webs of existence, and
articulations of great strength in delicate works. The spider teaches
me of spinning tales, of importance of stories, and veneration for
the tellers."

Yes - it is all weaving, is it not specially Tantra ! Gurudeva always
used to say most tantriks loved to 'weave ' Poet /philosopher was a

Yes .... "between thread of the web to drive tight each thread of the
woof "

Here is one Kabir verse on Weaving for my Tantrika , par excellance

No one could understand the secret of this weaver who, coming into
existence, spread the warp as the world; He fixed the earth and the
sky as the pillars, and he used the sun and the moon as two shuttles;
He took thousands of stars and perfected the cloth; but even today he
weaves, and the end is difficult to fathom.

Kabir says that the weaver, getting good or bad yarn and connecting
karmas with it, weaves beautifully. "
— Kabir (The Bijak of Kabir)

Daniella ! this is so Divine - post this on your web site !

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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Fwd: [shivayoga] Re: D's 24 Gurus/RedinYoga

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: yoga4you <>
Date: Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 12:39 AM
Subject: [shivayoga] Re: D's 24 Gurus/RedinYoga

16. Fish, 17. Dancing-girl Pingala, 18.
Raven, 19. Child, 20. Maiden, 21. Serpent, 22. An arrow-maker, 23.
Spider and 24. Beetle.

16. Fish teaches me of basic necessities and contentedness. It
teaches me of dangers of fishermen, and dangers in lores and lures,
and allure.

*17*. Dancing Girl & Pingala: my bday is 17th of april, 17 means lot
to me... Dancing has taught me freedom and transcendance. It is the
most natural form of Yoga, it has birthed yoga. Dancing girl teaches
me of worship of divine feminine, of shakti-yoga, of shift of age
back to that original form of worship leading to freedom and
transcendance. It has taught me of kundalini and snakes, of trance
and tratakam, it has taught me of HALF, and therefore WHOLE. It has
taught me of feminine, therefore masculine. It has taught of life
force, and vehicle of human body and its constituents.

18. Raven teaches me of death and transcendance, of opportunity, and
observance of signs.

19. The child teaches me of awe, wonder, innocence, and humility, of
importance of independance, the nature of dependance, and the
qualities of interdependance.

20. The Maiden has taught me of the coming of ages, the importance of
child, mother, and crone, of responsibility and work, and of lovers.

21. Serpent teaches me of ascention, of dance, of power, life-force,
of accuracy, of penetration, of fierceness, of ascetism.

22. An arrow maker teaches me of necessity of skill and precision, of
craft and construction, contructiveness, of targets and aim.

23. The Spider teaches me of weaving, of tantra. It teaches me of
power of creation, of weaving dreams and reality. The Spider teaches
me of patience, of generating, careful generation, of art and beauty.
The Spider teaches me of trappings, of webs of existence, and
articulations of great strength in delicate works. The spider teaches
me of spinning tales, of importance of stories, and veneration for
the tellers.

24. The Beetle teaches me of things time tested, of protectiveness
and portable shelter, need for strength of character, and therefore
flexibility. The Beetle teaches me of respect for ancient practices.
--- In, adi_shakthi16 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> 17. There was a DANCING GIRL named Pingala in the
> town of Videha. She was tired of looking for customers
> one night. She became hopeless. Then she was
> contented with what she had, and then had sound sleep. I
> have learnt from that fallen woman the lesson that the
> abandonment of hope leads to contentment.
> 18. A RAVEN picked up a piece of flesh. It was pursued and beaten by
> other birds. It dropped the piece of flesh and attained
> peace and rest. From this I have learnt the lesson that
> a man in the world undergoes all sorts of troubles and miseries when
> he runs after sensual pleasures, and that he becomes as happy as the
> bird when The abandons the sensual pleasures.
> 19. The CHILD who sucks milk is free from all cares, worries and
> anxieties, and is always cheerful. I have learnt the virtue
> of cheerfulness from the child.
> 20. The parents of a MAIDEN had gone in search of a proper
> bridegroom for her. The girl was alone in the house. During
> the absence of the parents, a party of people came to the house to
> see her on a similar object in reference to an offer of marriage.
> received the party herself. She went inside to husk the paddy. While
> she was husking, the glass bangles on both hands made tremendous
> jingling noise. The wise girl reflected thus: "The party will
> by the noise of the bangles, that I am husking the paddy myself, and
> that my family is too poor to engage others to get the work done.
> me break all my bangles except two on each hand". Accordingly,
> she broke all the bangles except two on each hand. Even these two
> bangles created much noise. She broke one more bangle of each hand.
> There was no further noise though she continued husking. I have
> learnt from the girl's experience the following: Living among
> many would create discord, disturbance, dispute and quarrel. Even
> among two, there might be unnecessary words or strife. The ascetic
> the Sannyasin should remain alone in solitude.
> 21. A SERPENT does not build its hole. It dwells in the holes dug
> by others. Even so, an ascetic or a Sannyasin should not build a
> for himself. He should live in the caves and temples built by
> This is the lesson that I have learnt from the snake.
> 22. The mind of an ARROW MAKER was once wholly engrossed in
> and straightening an arrow. While he was thus engaged, a king passed
> before his shop with his whole retinue. After some time, a man came
> to the artisan and asked him whether the king passed by his shop.
> artisan replied that he did not notice anything. The fact is that
> artisan's mind was solely absorbed in his work and he did not know
> what was passing before his shop. I have learnt from the artisan the
> quality of intense concentration of mind.
> 23. The SPIDER pours out of its mouth long threads and weaves
> them into cobwebs. It gets itself entangled in the net of its own
> making. Even so, man makes a net of his own ideas and gets entangled
> in it. The wise man should therefore abandon all worldly thoughts
> think of Brahman only. This is the lesson I have learnt
> from the spider.
> 24. The Bhringi or the BEETLE catches hold of a worm, puts it in its
> nest, and gives it a sting, the poor worm, always fearing the return
> of the beetle and sting, and thinking constantly of the beetle,
> becomes a beetle itself. Whatever form a man constantly thinks of,
> attains in course of time that form. As a man thinks, so he becomes.
> I have learnt from the beetle and the worm to turn myself into
> Atman by contemplating constantly on It and thus to ive up all
> attachment to the body and attain Moksha or liberation.
> Dattatreya was absolutely free from intolerance or prejudice of any
> kind. He learnt wisdom from whatever source it came. All seekers
> after Wisdom should follow the example of Dattatreya.
> but there are many versions available on the net with slightly
> different interpretations...
> enjoy

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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Fwd: [shivayoga] Renewed Sri Mad Bhgavatham of Sri Daniella

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chakkarai Pongal <>
Date: Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 12:49 AM
Subject: [shivayoga] Renewed Sri Mad Bhgavatham of Sri Daniella

Hey IDLI..what should i do with this Tirpura Sundhari?

Shall i kiss her so that her Lips wil bleed

THe lips bleed and she cant talk

shall i do that?

but no.. she posts at timings of 7 22 and 7 44
Which means.. I shall deprve Haresh of this Mad Raven

what shall i do?

I cant kill Tirpura sundhari

as she is wed to Socratis CHittha..

I am confused..

so I shall Shut up

and watch The dance of
YOu and YOUR Ecstatic Lotus

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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Fwd: [shivayoga] Re: D's 24 Gurus/RedYoga

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: yoga4you <>
Date: Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 12:14 AM
Subject: [shivayoga] Re: D's 24 Gurus/RedYoga

8.Pigeon, 9. Python, 10. Ocean, 11. Moth, 12. Bee, 13. Honey-
14. Elephant, 15. Deer, 16. Fish, 17. Dancing-girl Pingala, 18.
Raven, 19. Child, 20. Maiden, 21. Serpent, 22. An arrow-maker, 23.
Spider and 24. Beetle."

8. The pigeon has taught me of the importance of being successful in
the worldly world. It's adaptation to environments even those that
seem unnatural to the wild, is evidence to all being natural,
including hardship and paces of industrialization.

9. The python teaches me of patience, of conservation of energies,
and of careful digestion.

10. The ocean teaches me of the vastness of love, of acceptance, of
tears, and of qualities and effects of gentleness and rage. The ocean
teaches me of purity, and healing. It teaches me of worshiping the
moon and it's principles.

11. The moth teaches me of the striving desire for light(Jyoti).

12. The bee teaches me the importance of work and communal being,
and importance of roles and functions of each member.

13. The hunny gatherer teaches me of interdependance of man and
nature; of how to capitalize from strengths of others rather than
being intimidated by them.

14. The elephant teaches me of great strength, great wisdom,
carefulness, tenderness, herds, herding. It teaches of balance
between the capablility of great destruction, the wisdom of
discernment, and recognition and responsibility of one's own power.

15. Deer teaches me of grace, of sensitivity, of heightened awareness.

to be cont.
--- In, adi_shakthi16 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Lord dattatreya lists his 24 gurus!
> Dattatreya then mentioned the names of his
> twenty-four Gurus and spoke of the wisdom that he had learnt
> from each:
> The names of my twenty-four teachers are:
> 1. Earth, 2. Water, 3. Air, 4. Fire, 5. Sky, 6. Moon, 7. Sun, 8.
> Pigeon, 9. Python, 10. Ocean, 11. Moth, 12. Bee, 13. Honey-gatherer,
> 14. Elephant, 15. Deer, 16. Fish, 17. Dancing-girl Pingala, 18.
> Raven, 19. Child, 20. Maiden, 21. Serpent, 22. An arrow-maker, 23.
> Spider and 24. Beetle."
> I learnt patience and doing good to others from the EARTH, for it
> endures every injury man commits on its surface, and yet
> it does him good by producing crops, trees, etc.
> 2. From WATER I have learnt the quality of purity.
> Just as the pure water cleanses others, so also the
> sage, who is pure and free from selfishness, lust,
> egoism, anger, greed, etc., purifies all those who come
> in contact with him.
> 3. The AIR is always moving through various objects, but it never
> attached to anyone of them; so I have learnt from the air
> to be without attachment, though I move with many
> people in this world.
> 4. Just as FIRE burns bright, so also the sage should be glowing
> the splendour of his knowledge and Tapas.
> 5. The air, the stars, the clouds, etc., are all contained in the
> SKY, but the sky does not come in contact with any of them. I have
> learnt from the sky that the Atman or the Soul is all-pervading, and
> yet it has no contact with any object.
> 6.The MOON is in itself always complete, but appears to decrease or
> increase on account of the varying shadow of the earth upon the
> I have learnt from this that the Atman is always perfect and
> changeless, and that it is only the Upadhis or limiting
> adjuncts that cast shadows upon it.
> 7. Just as the SUN, reflected in various pots of water, appears as
> many different reflections, so also Brahman appears different
> of the Upadhis (bodies) caused by the reflection through the mind.
> This is the lesson I learnt from the sun.
> 8. I once saw a pair of PIGEONS with their young birds. A fowler
> spread a net and caught the young birds. The mother pigeon was very
> much attached to her children. She did not care to live, so she
> fell into the net and was caught. The male pigeon was
> attached to the female pigeon, so he also fell into the
> net and was caught. From this I learnt that attachment is the cause
> of bondage.
> 9. The PYTHON does not move about for its food. It remains contented
> with whatever it gets and lies in one place. From this
> I learnt to be unmindful of food and to be contented with whatever I
> get to eat (Ajagara Vritti).
> 10. Just as the OCEAN remains unmoved even though hundreds of rivers
> fall into it, so also the wise man should remain unmoved among all
> sorts of temptations, difficulties and troubles. This is the lesson
> learnt from the ocean.
> to be continued.......

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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Fwd: [shivayoga] I am being ABused by the farts of a Hyena../Angel/ADI

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karumbu Char <>
Date: Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 12:09 AM
Subject: [shivayoga] I am being ABused by the farts of a Hyena../Angel/ADI

I became a Church Mouse again.. and read.. rather smelled the Farts of
that Swine.. He is really ABusing me and Adi.. But thats okay..

I shall not intervene.. I do ntt want any one TO defened me..

i SHALL WAIT.. TILL HE Abuses me for 99 times..
I am counting..

Adi is alrady ther in that grou and so is chittha and Loven anD Haresh..

i will not ask Dani to join that group and defend me..

I dont need to be defened althou..I CRY AND I APPRECIATE SO MUCH WHEN

So let me not cry with Your tears of love
as a Tsunami will arise when I begin to Cry..





Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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