Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Fwd: [shivayoga] Re: Imam Mahdi (AS), the only savior of mankind - may Allah hasten his appearance!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: chittaranjan naik <>
Date: Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 1:53 AM
Subject: [shivayoga] Re: Imam Mahdi (AS), the only savior of mankind - may Allah hasten his appearance!
To: Shivayoga Group <>, SathyaSai2 Baba <>

Posted by "Dial3.OM" <>

in on Tue Jul 1, 2008 2:38 pm


Re: Imam Mahdi (AS), the only savior of mankind - may Allah hasten his appearance!


Apocalypse of St John

two witnesses,,, Elijah and Elishah..the entire world shall witness..

elijah must come before elishah quotes malachi,, the last book of old testament.. and the last word ends with a curse !


who are those witnesses?

Ptolemy and ALchemy.. and the souls can incarnate as metals and chemicals too !

the battle of Armageddon is over.. was over in year 2000/2001


THE TWO WITNESSES ARE .. LIKE THE TWO LOVE BIRDS.. THE TWO SOWNAKATHI BIRDS,, A HUNTER came ..shot one bird and the other bird fell dead too,,

a Bandit becomes a he curses the hunter but surprised that his curse was one of the best sanskrit poem.. then he becomes depressedd,, sage narada comes ,, as he was sitting udner a tree and advises him...








--- In, Ralph Nataraj <Vision2028@...> wrote:
> Let's not talk about the present depressed Age and the confused,
> unhappy, alienated man, but let's talk about the bright future of
> peace and happiness at the time of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (AS).
> The Holy Prophet (S) said: "Glad tidings be to you about Mahdi (AS)."
> Thereafter he said: "The inhabitants of the heavens and the
> inhabitants of the earth are happy with him. He shall distribute the
> wealth equally, free Muhammad's (S) ummah from need or want and
> comfort them with his righteousness."
> Islamic scholars, based on the infallible sayings, are of the opinion
> that the sign of Mahdi (AS) is that he shall be harsh with rulers,
> generous with people in distributing wealth, and gentle with the
> helpless in easing their pain.
> --------Only hope
> The master of the faithful Imam Ali (AS) says about Imam Mahdi's (AS)
> characteristics: "At the time when they (people) shall suit the
> guidance to follow the desires, Mahdi (AS) shall alter the desires to
> follow the guidance. At the time when they shall interpret the Holy
> Quran to follow their (own) prudence Mahdi (AS) shall realize (their)
> prudence to follow the Quran. Mahdi (AS) shall demonstrate to you
> justice. Mahdi (AS) shall enliven the commandments of the Quran and
> Sunna which were until then dead and lifeless. Imam Mahdi (AS) shall
> fill the earth with equity and justice after it has been filled with
> cruelty end oppression."

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.

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