Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fwd: FW: [FFO] Interesting Message for U..

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Fwd: [19 Isaiah] Fwd: The Mahdi (2nd, 10th or 12th coming/immam) and Advaita-Tantra

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: chittaranjan naik <>
Date: Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:25 PM
Subject: [19 Isaiah] Fwd: The Mahdi (2nd, 10th or 12th coming/immam) and Advaita-Tantra
To: isaiah19 <>

--- In, 
"Ralph Bakr" <108@...> wrote
on June 14, 2006:  
Dear brothers and sisters,  It is a pleasure to know i can reach you like this.  This egroup (IZLAM, BAKR) gathers people who firmly believe in the return of the messiah. They prepare to obey/serve him. Their desire is to be a servant, slave, 'nail' and warrior in his worldly and other-worldly empire. That makes this group of people religious in the sense that they are organised as an ancient and strictly traditional brotherhood. Because all of them obey the same Gd, their faith is mono-theistic.   Many people belief in the return of a certain person under whom all the peoples of the planet unite.   In arab this person is called the mahdi.   Islam is the brotherhood who prepares to obey the madhi. Once the madhi is recognised, muslims will pray and bow towards the mahdi. This means to pledge and to renew their faith and loyalty. Untill and beyond the portal of death.  Much more than hundreds of millions of people will be the army and islamic nation of the mahdi.   Previously this egroup was called Advaita-Tantra. What is the difference? There is really no difference!  What does it matter in which language the name is? If some scared hindus unsubscribe because they see a word that hits a red button in their brain, if was good they proceeded their studies elsewhere. Many people are doing valuable work.   The idea is that we are courageous enough to consider a few ideas. And then we are asked to make a decision.   There are many names in this category for the man who comes at the end of times like 'messiah', the mahdi or mujaddid.  Many people believe in the return of a certain saviour, messiah, prophet or second (christian), 10th (hinduism) or 12th (islam)coming. There is an ancient brotherhood who prepares for the rule of this man.  Perhaps you are also part of that brotherhood.  Would you be loyal to the Mahdi regardless of his race?  The word goes around that this man is currently alive as a boy in islamic circles. As a 'twain'.   But let's be realistic: throughout time, the situation was very bad with obnoxious and unbearable suffering and the people dreamt of a man who could restore order and dignity. Why would he come so in the very beginning of the 3rd millennium?   Undoubtedly he will be able to address the poor people by life- and translated broadcasts. Worldwide. Most likely he will also be able to get the majority of the muslims behind him. This can all happen within one day. If he commands jihad, they will go into death for their leader. The martyr-death is glorified in Islam.   Some people fear that a tremendous clash is upcoming. And perhaps it is inevitable now that the US army marched into the heart of Islam (Baghdad, Iraq). Iraq has several important religious places of pelgrimage. These places are important to me. They were built by people i respect.  Much more noisy than those who fear the next war, are those who long for what they hope and pray will be the last battle.  Their army is roudy. It is growing in strength and in fact invincibility. If Maharishi Mahesh Yogi wants to bring world-peace, he will need an alliance with one of the mulla's or ayatollahs.  But the mahdi?   I would like to draw a certain picture that is possible. Nobody can foresee the future, but such series of events is not unlikely at all and THIS is perhaps the real reason why the US intelligence is nestling in Afghanisthan, Iraq, Kashmir and Pakistan: the Mahdi is expected to currently grow up in those regions. The US is eager on spotting him before he appears on worldwide television. To offer other indoctrination. This boy is probably learning combat-strategies at early age.  Islam is an active faith.  The loyalty of millions of men and warriors lies with this brotherhood. They have patience but they prepare themselves. Their number is expected to grow into billions literally.  I bring a certain mix of religion/prophesy. It is Himalayan Mysticism fused with Islam. We call it =Lam. It is remembering and preparing how to serve the mahdi.  Many people consider all talk about an upcoming messiah wasted time of idealists and lunatics. They forget that now there is mass-media.  I ask people to consider what will happen when many different schools and sects in Islam unite under one leader.  Anyone who studied the Koran knows that these people are loaded to fight. They are simply waiting. Waiting. In poverty. Surpressed. Invaded by the enemy and 'the evil empire'. To me it is surprising how they can wait so long while having to bear much humiliation, discrimination and poverty. What is only proper defense or their only way to defend or to make a statement, we should not lable with 'terrorism'.  Muslims have revolutionary ideas but they are obedient and wait. They are trained to possibly wait their entire life. Without losing faith. The muslim faith, command and lifestyle (directed towards compassion- in-action and unwavering discipline) is strong.  How many people do you know who have radical ideas, heart, will-power and are obedient? It is an interesting sort of new breed of men. The current political leaders lack the vision to steer humanity through a necessary quantum-breakthrough. They have faith only in the old ways. We can not reach our destination in the year 2012 by looking all the time in the rear-mirror. Vision provides the way and not conflicts and disaster.  New leadership is going to take over all positions of control. All souls will resonate to the heart of the mahdi. He bring the higher vision; a vision that no ordinary man can conceive of yet.   We expect new interested out of the West for the Brotherhood (army) of the mahdi. Some people there also have revolutionary ideas. If you as a reader reject the Jihad, you may as well unsubscribe from this egroup. The ideal state (200 %) can not be achieved without inner nor outer battle.  Obedience has to be trained so that patience results. Only with this elixer of loyalty and faith, can the upcoming Jihad be won.  The Mahdi will establish the Islamic State.  How can any civilian prepare? By choosing for the Islam or =Lam, one seeks the guidance of an immam, ayatollah, sheikh or mulla. This person is for you the spokesperson of the madhi. Everything he says to you, is infused by the energy of the mahdi and you take nothing lightly. Any instruction or even advice is basically a command for you unless there are of course reasons you can not participate in or execute something for other important reasons. E.g. pertaining to family. But a Brotherhood is firstly a brotherhood! The prophets, sages and seers (Peace be with them) left us all clear instructions.  =Lam is a front portal, especially designed for westerners, to learn more about the islamic state and to develop faith in the mahdi. It is a loyalty of brotherhood and sisterhood.  The latest and most ancient prophesy - that we in =Lam subscribe to - is that the messiah comes as a Twain.  When the madhi will die in battle ... and this is almost inevitable ... his twain (teacher, wife, sister, lover) will lead humanity to peace.  If this is your vision and you accept this vision as knowledge, feel free to learn more about =Lam.  Kind greetingsz,   Asalaamaleikum   Ralph Bakker.  --- End forwarded message ---   

Dear Friends, Dear Sisters And Brothers, Dear Spiritual Soul,

Shivayoga is one of oldest technique concentration involved in all
religious teachings (and which today present) and open for each Soul.

Please note that this our group is not a criticism of any person
whatsoever, but instead a specific point intended to foster a true
spiritual understanding of the Shivayoga philosophy. Shivayoga
philosophy is one from deepest source for direct experience of God.
This Divine perspective is full practically, historically,
scientifically, poetically, philosophically, spiritualitally,
mistically and devotionally part of unity with God.

May God Bless your Soul with best understooding Shivayoga philosophy

Lord Branko in exhile

Re: [19 Isaiah] Fw: Building the Rainbow Bridge

On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 12:16 PM, chittaranjan naik <> wrote:


------ Forwarded Message
From: Tryambaka XIII <108@...>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 19:05
To: <rainboww@...>
Subject: Building
the Rain-bow Bridge

Dear rain

In the beginning of 2003 i announced this year to be
the Year of Faith. I also said that this could well be the Year of Fate. Linguistically they sound practically the same. What is the difference in reality?

What is the difference between
Faith and Fate?

Faith is active. It is alive and dynamic.

Fate has an air of passiveness and fatalism.

During the year i had the strong urge to come up with a new description of
my/our 'path' and organisation.

Teacher of Gurdjieff to Gurdjieff:


"Our organisation is very complex;
You must either change
everything or nothing !"

The Path of Yoga, Beauty & Delight was no longer appropriate. It did not describe the actual situation not does it describe the direction that we are taking. The faith is shallow.

In the old days in India, the kings rode out into the jungle when they heard there was a saint living deep in the forests to seek His blessings and wisdom. But these days people flock to
the ones with name and fame.

The Matrix-trilogy prooved to be highly interesting after all, after my initial doubts with 'Reloaded'. Most interesting was maybe the introduction of the character of
the Merovingian. In the middle ages, the Merovingians protected Europe against the invasion of Islam. They protected their faith with their life.

Who are we now? What is the invasion 'against which we need to fight and to unite ourselves'? Arthur was created and blessed by Avalon with the almost impossible tasc to unite several traditions in order to live on. Is our life at stake?

This realisation will change our outlook on life. Millions of people had not realised the danger. Untill the explosions took place in Instanbul, Tikrit, Jerusalem,
Lochem (Mt Kailasa)  ...

It is difficult to work together. Ego has its very specific
solution(s) which always work. It creates 'miscommunication' (this miscommunication always happens in the mind and not in actuality), doubts, it distorts, it hesitates, projects and renders superior possibilities like 'trodding my own path'.

And of course you have to trod your path and we each have our own style and execution of free-will – most certainly in LHP. One person is a mother of three children, her husband is an entrepreneur with lots of worries and there are heavy challenges in the family and circle of friends. Besides some very close people are struggling for their life. And amidst all the chaos we try to lead a life of spirituality. And still all of us are discovering what that is.
Tantra is in the ordinary experiences of life. It renders the possibility to make them extra-ordinary.

Right now we are all terrestial beings (earthbound). Vamacara is
the reverse path. This creates the EXTRA. We are in the process of becoming or realising extra-terrestial beings. The terrestial direction is according to gravity and downwards. Make sure to understand that even 'up' and 'down' are relative notions in this magical universe where the earth swings through space with dazzling speeds. Extra-terrestial provides another direction. This is the meaning of "vama". Even 'left' and 'reverse' are not perfect translations.

Swami Sri Sudip
(former teacher of Ralph) is an exponent of the traditional Left-Hand Path. But there are thousands and most likely much more people who walk this path with great courage and skill.

Kashmir Saivism is
the Path of Desire. But what does this mean? I know you are all very diligent students and practitioners of Tantra, but i doubt whether anyone of you is able to give a thorough sattarka explanation of the why and how of 'The Path of Desire'. It is indeed the Path of Desire but Tantra is not theory but application. This we have to understand and ESPECIALLY APPLY more and better.

Tantra is
the Leela. The entire life and the universe is the Leela. We are players in and of that Leela but need upgrades dramatically. In RevolUtions, Neo is 'caught'/trapped in the infamous Inbetween. He got out at the wrong station! Many people stay there forever. This nihilistic state is accurately described in Buddhism and especially in non-dual Kashmir Saivism. For these kind of things it is very important to have a living guide AND to study the worthwhile scriptures. Tantra is the kundalini-sadhana. This does not all automatically go right as one would tend to think. God is misschieveous ! Many people on the track go insane. Look around you! Wanna find the most wacko people on the planet? They do groups on Tantra and 'the like'.

Sjamanism stirs powerfull energies.

A tantrik is a sort of
sjaman. He stirs powerful energies. They are unmistakable.

When Grace obviously flows, something needs to be uphold!
This has clearly not happened yet ...

There needs to be an ambiance to do the most heavy work otherwise
the energy is lost. It simply vaporises. The ambiance is love, care, authenticity, joy, adventure and courage. In this ambiance the wisdom will enter and She will make Herself known. Right now She hardly and that is logical allright. The love, steadiness and respect has to be there. Those are the wings upon which She enters. And we need to spread our wings!

The Path of Desire is that we take the desire or lust and enter it. With courage, relaxation, commitment and alertness. Not merely with the animal. We invite the master-energy to be with us. We always bow first to the master and THEN we invite the Goddess. Tantra is the act of refinement and the Merovingian was a highly refined man. He fought for a worthy cause. What was/is his cause?

The process of taking the lust or desire and then refine it and allow the mastering to happen is
the Path of Yoga, Beauty & Delight. But many of you choose otherwise and it is fine with me. We are now in the Kaos-Kult of the Dark Goddess. Confronting the Black Goddess is the most difficult spiritual practise. There are many thousands of people worldwide who actually want to follow this path and it is YOUR tasc to find them. I have designed the plan that i personally gurantee will work and it will open several interesting doors (Upgrades) for all of us. This is the LHP! It is the Path of Courage.
But how is it with the faith?

Maybe through these and other writings
'The Path of Desire' is now clear to you, although that does not mean that you are walking it, understand it or can apply and live it. Therefor we need to do much more work. It will require many retreats with good groups. I already had several very good groups i must say. But none of them is able to really carry something
precious into the future. For that 'the Ring' will have to be destroyed and a Fellowship (The Resistence) has to be in full operation.

The Kaos-Kult of the Dark Goddess is also built with the five floors. The first floor we all know well and many of us have travelled back and forth from one to two and back, but this floor actually can be passed only once and then it is final and for the rest of your life ..... basically. Floor two indiactes that you decide to enter the nowadays called: Kaos-Kult of the Goddess. And why would someone? Well actually the question is more 'why would You not?' Of course we all want to be free and independent. No-one is going to take that away from You, although this is mostly the reason that people doubt. They do not want to be forced to do things.

So we must of course ask ourselves how effective we currently are in our
freedom and independence. When our joy, luck and happiness exuberate, we of course should not join. Otherwise we should seriously consider. 'What have we got to loose?' We can only loose that which we want to get rid off anyway. This will happen by playing the Leela. We are involved anyway. But Tantra means aware. Tantra = (playing / supporting / upholding) the Leela. Being a follower of The Kaos-Kult of the Dark Goddess means you decide to play that Leela as well as possible and this is the commandment of the Dark Goddess . Always when She speaks, She will affirm that even 'the best' is not good enough for Her.

miscommunication we should recall that when Neo was with the Oracle, he understood that she said a certain thing which she had actually not ! Upon this is the famous scene in the Matrix orginal where Neo saves Trinity out of the helicopter and when Neo expresses his disbelief again to Morpheus, He explains him once more: 'She only said what she needed to say!'. In fact He said: "She only said what You needed to hear!" , which comes down to the same thing.

I am not interested how "
braaf" (compliant) you were but in how brave you are. Braafness means nothing to me. In the Path of Courage, 'compliance' and obedience is more a sin than a virtue. Blind compliance is actually gross stupidity. There is a lotta chaos. But Kaos is not the same as Chaos. Kaos is a much more modern and intricate version. It is higher magic leading to a higher love and a wonderful life. Those are the promises of The Kaos-Kult of the Dark Goddess . But what actually is this thing then and who is in charge?

It is a good question to wonder about
the maker of the Matrix. Who is the designer of the Leela? Who designed internet? What does it mean 'to return to the Source' and what does the Creator of the Creatrix have to do with this? Why is there so much porn and rubbish on the net? Because it reflects our mind. It reflects the content of (y)/our mind! I say that there can be much more beauty in the world.

The spotlight is on you! Do
You see it gleaming towards you? Who shines the light on You and how deep will you let it penetrate? Will you bounce this light away from even above and outside of the skin? Will you allow it in like a suntan? Or do you have so much trust and faith that this Light will permeate your very being?

Neo discovered that he had to intuit whose side certain people were on. They were either part of
the Fellowship of the Ring or not. He had to know very sure! Nobody could tell him; not even his (ex?-)tutor, mentor, coach and master 'the legendary Morpheus' who was powerless against the Merovingian. In the RHP (right-hand path as meaning to the exclusivity of the LHP also known as Vamacara) they follow certain morals or 'guidelines', but in the LHP we have to find our own truth. We should maybe add 'and stay loyal to the Resistance'. The Resistance has to survive and conquer. That is their goal. They are willing to fight and to give their life.

Those who understand all of the above can request admittance into
The Kaos-Kult of the Dark Goddess . She is the one who accepts and rejects. I have nothing to do with that. I provide some initiative as well can you. It is widely known that i am in  favor of female leadership. More than Jesus, Osho or Sudip ever announced. This is very difficult and everybody knows. We can make IT possible or we can fight in any way.

Hypocracy is possible. It happens and is part of the Matrix. Some people pretend to be interested in a certaing thing or person but it is not for that
thing or person. They merely use that object or experience to step up to the ladder of evolution and power. They want to be the Merovingian. And nobody can become the Merovingian that way. This we also realise. It is a voluntary collaboration in which each plays the role that they must. In this shows evolution and the powers of mastery and sorcery. In the LHP it can be rather extreme.

We are all intelligent and good people fighting for the right cause! I have no doubt about that. Do you? There are several people that i would vouch for. Wouldn't you? Don't you know at least three of these intelligent and courageous people? Why don't you actively invite them to officially
enter The Kaos-Kult of the Dark Goddess and when you are absolutely sure that someone did, please congratulate them in a VERY SPECIAL WAY! But only congratulate them when you are at least on the second floor.

Let me repeat that on the 1st floor you can do whatever you want. On the second floor you seek admittance to the esoteric order also known as and
The Kaos-Kult of the Dark Goddess . It means you will do everything you can to be steady while exploring this divine madness of the Leela. A tantrik is an explorer. But not merely an explorer. He or she is an explorer with a mission (Purpose). He or she operates in a mystic energy that protects and accelerates. There are blessings and curses. The Left-Hand Path also known as Aghora is defined as 'forcible transformation' by Robert Swaboda.

All people who are studying Vamacara Tantra, i can surely recommend the web-site about Vamacara by Roderick W. Marling:
Especially for the followers of Soham Baba, i do also recommend to seriously read the entire archive of It is about the Path of Vama also known as Vamacara Naga Tantra or the Dark Doctrines:

What now is building
THE RAINBOW BRIDGE? Many folks wanted to it but have not succeeded yet. Now we are all busy with our lives and imagine to be steady on our spiritual path which is our life. But are we? Reloaded is about sorcery and the play or fight between several great sorcerers. This is the year 2003 and we are still alive! What does that mean?

Right at the moment when Morpheus said that in RevolUtions,
the elevator opened and
Persephone offered to bring them to the Keymaker ...

Sati is wonderful.
The new hero. We all know a bit about the meaning of Sati. I have explained it on the SES-archive. How the fully dressed warriors ride out in the morning, into the arms of the enemy who will kill and slaughter every single one of them. The men who ride out will not look back even once to the village where all the women and children burn themselves in a blazing fire. This is Sati. At least it is expected that they all burn themselves. This is the code of honour. The men know that while they are riding out, in their back their wives and children are burning alive. This gives them the power to fight ferociously. To fight unto the death. The principle whereby the women burn themselves (and some of their children) is called Sati. Sati is now a forbidden practise.

The Left-Hand Path and the dark doctrines are about exploring this 'forbidden'. The code of honour of the Samurai on this Path of Courage is that they do not 'turn' each other in or 'condemn someone' because they trod this honourable path of nobility instead of being directed by fear or compliance. The Matrix is characterised by "fear" and "compliance". The hero who trods the Left-Hand Path and especially the modern and western application The Kaos-Kult of the Dark Goddess, conquers fear and compliance. That is part of the Mastery that is sought after.

The most apt students or walkers gain the blessings or certain siddhi's. There are 'powers'. This builds the profession of
sorcery. The Merovingian was a highly skilled and a very powerful sorcerer. He was even more powerful than the Agents. How did he build this power? This is emitted in the movie.

These Siddhi's are certain
perfections. They come with the full circulation of kundalini and sometimes by mystic initiations.

LHP is for players who are apt and professional. Those with talent, practise, courage, intelligence and bodily control. Someone without any of these of course does not get the initiations. Advancement to levels three, four or five does require strong and steady sadhana. There is no doubt about this! A tradition is a tradition of masters – going back usually several centuries. You can even consider these people as
sorcerers given the current outburst of books and movies into the occult and the world of magic where every-thing is possible. This is the realm that we are exploring. This realm is guided by masters and sorcerers – even the ones of previous ages. This guidance is sometimes misguidance. Misguidance for a purpose. And this Purpose is always to grow in steadiness, wisdom, love, maturity, simplicity, completion (being total), compassion, strength and authenticity. Humour maybe as well. The ultimate guiding principle is authenticity and authenticity is also to marvel at the Wonders of life, to explore always further and to probe deeper. To design newer, higher and more intricate ways to love and to live; to weave the Magic Carpet.
I am weaving my dear friend. Do you mind that i sometimes 'worry' about you?
Written and conveyed with love.


New Moon in November;
2003 years after the birth of JC.


Dear Friends, Dear Sisters And Brothers, Dear Spiritual Soul,

Shivayoga is one of oldest technique concentration involved in all
religious teachings (and which today present) and open for each Soul.

Please note that this our group is not a criticism of any person
whatsoever, but instead a specific point intended to foster a true
spiritual understanding of the Shivayoga philosophy. Shivayoga
philosophy is one from deepest source for direct experience of God.
This Divine perspective is full practically, historically,
scientifically, poetically, philosophically, spiritualitally,
mistically and devotionally part of unity with God.

May God Bless your Soul with best understooding Shivayoga philosophy

Lord Branko in exhile

Friday, August 22, 2008

Fwd: [ShivaYoga] Re: Craving post from Mark Haresh Daswani

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: adi_shakthi16 <>
Date: Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 3:39 AM
Subject: [ShivaYoga] Re: Craving post from Mark Haresh Daswani

Story of Alexander the Great



Alexander the Great is known as the most powerful military leader and conqueror of the ancient world. Before he turned 30 years old he conquered an empire stretching over 3,000 miles from Greece to India. He was born in 356 BC in Macedonia, known today as northern Greece.

On his sickbed and during his last hour alive, Alexander the Great told his generals "After my death, when you put my body in the casket, let my arms hang over the edges with my palms wide open, so the public can see my empty hands while I am leaving the world." After he died, many dignitaries came to view the royal funeral and were very surprised to see his arms hanging over the edge of the casket with his palms wide open. They asked questions about this unique scene. A wise man told them "O' People, Alexander the Great is telling us that when he ruled the world, great treasures of gold, silver and wealth came to be under his possession. Yet, indeed he is leaving the world empty handed."

Source: Partially extracted from the writtings of JC Pinkerton.

We come naked in this world and go naked !


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fwd: [ShivaYoga] Re: Craving post from Mark Haresh Daswani

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: adi_shakthi16 <>
Date: Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 6:35 PM
Subject: [ShivaYoga] Re: Craving post from Mark Haresh Daswani

now you know why i crave for different types of men ! the more enlightened they are , the more they turn me on! so , haresh , my buddy , you are mr. Enlightened in my eyes!

great thinking!

was it not alexander the great who said :

Atomb is not now  enough for a man who wanted to conquer all the world !

Yes! do we want a lion to lead a herd of sheep or a sheep to lead a group of lions ? says al-shehazaadi -

In this way we will help you to realise your soul and to be enlightened with the knowledge of GOD. BLESSINGS TO ALL WHO READ THIS. Pls repeat the holy mantra 'Om Namah Shivaya' as often as possible - with joy and awareness.
Meditation and


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Fwd: [ShivaYoga] Craving post from Mark Haresh Daswani

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Om Ganesha <>
Date: Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 5:51 PM
Subject: [ShivaYoga] Craving post from Mark Haresh Daswani

crave (krv)
v. craved, crav·ing, craves
1. To have an intense desire for. See Synonyms at desire.
2. To need urgently; require.
3. To beg earnestly for; implore. See Synonyms at beg.
To have an eager or intense desire.


two cups of tea later and it is still there, the desire of Mark to
conquer something.

He has set out a map of all the islands he can travel to and capture.
He has prepared a flag with an interesting array of color. The colors
chosen had to be different from existing flags. Thus, he chose
burgundy and purple. It was a strange looking flag, but it was
important to have one.

By analyzing the map, Mark has found an interesting island in the
vicinity of the African continent. he merely has to conquer the
locals, stick the flag on the ground, and challenge the malnourished
and starving citizenry of the coutnry's capital to go after him for a
fight. He intends to provide rice and food to his own constituents,
while inviting new factories seeking for a place to open their sweat
shop. Everything was well worked out and Mark has a group of 45 people
with him for the project.

He even has a backing of a proper venture capitalist. His company,
Conquest, is intending to go IPO, and has people waiting for it.

It was interesting, the entire country is an enterprise and the ruling
leader is also the country's CEO. Aside from taxes enough for security
and infrastructure, he intends to charge management and leadership
fee. This was to become a capitalist country.

Off went Mark and his 45 other partners, they took a plane and
acquired a boat. Everything is going according to plan.

Mark has now arrived and conquered the tiny island in the African
continent and has set up his new system. Strange enough, it was well
praised. Mark now has the ability to transform ill managed countries
into well oiled economic states. Education was outsourced and
enrollment fee was paid by the government through asking the entire
population to try investing on the future. It worked out fine.

Now, Mark looks at the map again, and finds neighboring countries that
he could easily conquer. 2 years after his first conquest, he took
over 2 more islands and replicated his system. It has become a
franchise, and now, Mark has put his country on IPO and generated a
good amount of funds.

And yet, Mark is craving for something. Apparently, this was not the
conquest he was craving for.

Quite like people who are depressed reaching out for ice cream
thinking it is what they are looking for, it is not curing anything.

Mark's craving is not going away.

He has now tried womanizing as well, and yet it is not working out for

He decides to step back and review the whole situation.

He now realizes that the core problem was that while he wanted to
conquer others, that was not his true craving, he was craving for
spiritual insights, and is addicted to them.

And pickled cabbages.

So Mark now embarks on his spiritual quest, and bought a large jar of
pickled cabbages. He now learns that what he failed to conquer was
himself, and that the universe within us is a lot larger than what is

Internally, we can be infinite, and it goes beyond the whole idea of
physics, but it is the factual matter. We are all infinite looking
outward in a finite world. The greater challenge is the conquest
within, and to those who have realized, such passion can be seen in
their eyes. There is a different drug, a different high in pursuit of
this conquest.

But of course, he will not give up his enterprise. After all, owning
countries was also in his priority list since the age of 5.

In this way we will help you to realise your soul and to be enlightened with the knowledge of GOD. BLESSINGS TO ALL WHO READ THIS. Pls repeat the holy mantra 'Om Namah Shivaya' as often as possible - with joy and awareness.
Meditation and


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