Sometimes in life Lovven, we are entrusted to others. Either as a
tender baby or child, sometimes as an adult.
God bless the people who care for others.
Not everyone is capable at all times to do so for themselves. God
bless those who Notice need, who notice those left more unfortunate
than they-maiden, the widow, the vulnerable child.
A true humility is Born. A true respect for human condition, (or
animal condition) is born.
I honor and respect you so. I kiss your lotus feet! That man, who bows
low enough to see eye to eye with another more vulnerable than he-
In honest love,
--- In shivyoga@yahoogroup
> Today i had gone to town along with two other one friend and my
> brotherinlaw to pick up some computer parts do some shopping and we
> left home at about 5.30 pm bought the computer parts then went to the
> market did some shopping then this friend of mine wanted to buy a TFT
> monito and spotted a shop in the vicinity we went over and heard all
> the jazz that the owner had to say and also had no money any way that
> is another story and after finishing up in the shop and buying nothing
> we came out from the building i was enjoying the rain our car was
> parked away from the building (now notice the sequence of events )
> we left out umbrellas in the car as it had stopped raining and this
> friend of his had a jacet pullover
> So when we cam out of the building i was wearing rain slippers this
> friend was wearing shoes and my brotherinlaw was given the jacket as
> it was raining not very heavely but it was blowing as well as raining
> at about 7.45 pm
> so as we were waiting for the car to cometo where we were standing my
> friend and me noticed a piegeon right in the middle of the crossroads
> in the heavy rain there was water cloggeg in the streets and this
> piegon was trying to avoid all the cars and bikes and it was drenched
> and could not fly so i was looking at it my friend said see that
> piegon in the middle of the road you know tryig to avoid all the
> trafic and suddenly without any thought i just bolted strait as the
> crow flies straght for the pegion am friend called out to me but i
> just did not listen i went to the middle of the cross roads and there
> was this big car just about to go over the pigeon not the weels but
> the car and i shouted put hand out to stop the car stopped and i
> went and got this pigeon caught him/her and came back to the place my
> friend was waiting . my friend stated that he could hear the shout
> near the building say about 25 meters away . anyway i asked one of the
> shopkeeper to give me a cloth to wipe the poor piegon . i wiped it and
> held it thinking what to do with it . my friend said that it must have
> fallen from it's nest and some how could not manage to fly one cause
> it was drenched in water. y brotherinlaw objected as to why i have the
> piegon in the car . anyway we went home with all the objections . at
> home my sister mom and dad objected that they would get sick . all the
> time i was thinking where to place him as i had no cage. so i thought
> that someone in the neighbourhood kept birds so i could ask him to
> keep it in his cage. all the time thinking where yo put the dear small
> baby pigeon. i asked my sister to use her hair drier to dry the bird
> and she helped me. so i asked my brotherinlaw to take me to that
> persons shop not far from home about one block as it was still raining
> but all i could get a reply that it would not be the right place to
> put him. so i made some calls got some numbers clled up the forest
> department and they said put the piegeon in a box and bring him .
> anyway i said no box i will bring him as it is . i asked the help of
> my brotherinlaw to drive us me and the piegon . He tooks us there to
> the forest department and one person was waiting from the forest
> department to actually go on a snake capture at some one's home. he
> asked me for the piegon. i gave it to him . i went with this person to
> the bird cage that they have he said that they will feed it till it is
> strong enough to fly. I thanked this person of the forest department .
> all along this small baby piegon wa quiet in my hands and felt at
> peace. and the reaction i got from collecting the baby piegon in the
> frist place was that in the whole of this place it was only me with
> the eyes who could see a small baby piegon and no one else no one was
> bothered . even my brother in law commented that you get plenty of
> pegion's on the roads of course i said so do you get human beings.
> Any way as i was dwelling on this the whole of the time i got a
> message that i was sent for the piegon.
> Imagine that all the other work that i had done out of my house was
> immaterial compared to giving the little bird some warmth and shade
> and comfort.
> love
> p.s.
> what i long post i have never posted such a long post in my entire life
> not my text at least
> now i know the hardships that goes on in life .
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