Friday, August 8, 2008

Fw: [Sathya Sai Baba] CRAZY POST BY CHITTA(krshna)
The Law of Leela Message List

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Dear Sages, Saints, Shaktis, and Monks who speak philosophy without
metaphysics, of the Holy Order of the Community of Non-Dualists,

It gives me great pleasure to present to this august gathering of
higher beings, a thesis that has been written by me for fulfilling my
personal goal of obtaining a PhD in Social Science.

The PhD is a cover. Behind it is a Secret Agenda.

It has been learnt from reliable sources that Atlas is about to
shrug. For a long time, he has been feeling weary and tired of
holding the world on his shoulders, and as you all know the world has
been shaking this way and that way for two thousand years. It has now
been learnt – from reliable sources of the secret intelligence
service – that Atlas is about to shrug off the world. The world is
therefore in dire straits – it is in danger of falling into Darwin's
pit. Such a disaster is to be prevented at all costs so that Men and
Women may have Dance and Song in this world instead of Mechanical
Sexual Selection.

The aim of this thesis is to promote a Secret Fascist Agenda that
will enable the Priests to appropriate the Power to Rule the Universe
after Atlas shrugs it off. This thesis contains secret knowledge of
the science of Priest-Craft. The knowledge contained in this thesis
may not be imparted to anyone without first examining him thoroughly
for his pedigree. If the aspirant has the requisite qualities to
become a priest and owes allegiance to the secret (fascist) agenda,
then, and only then, may he be imparted the secret knowledge
contained in this thesis. This is esoteric knowledge.

An aspiring Priestess may be allowed entry into the Order.

Monks of the Order are not allowed to have the cake and eat it too.
They may either claw or de-claw, but they are not allowed to do both
in the interest of general well-being and health.

Dissent is allowed in the Order so long as the dissenter does not
disagree. All other kinds of dissent are permitted.

The Order edicts that fishing should not be learnt from carpenters
and carpentry should not be learnt from fishermen.

This thesis is not to be read with the brain. Brain is a kind of grey
matter, and it is not useful for reading theses of this kind. Even if
this thesis were to be read with two brains, it would not bear fruit.
The Light has to be switched on.

Those who read this thesis with two brains will lose their ability to
be a Locomotive.

It is allowed to eat soapboxes while reading the thesis.

The model for the thesis comes from the Priestess of the Snake.

Reading Chandamama is recommended.

Reading the post on the Magic Snake (msg # 29769) is a must.

Now then, we shall begin:


1. I bow to Lord Shiva, the Lord of Creatures.

2. I bow to Ma Kundalini, the Consciousness Shakti of the Lord.

3. In the beginning was One.

4. He and She were One.

5. Purusha and Prakriti were One.

6. Then He desired to enjoy Her.

7. She became His other half.

8. He enjoyed Her Dance.

9. He was all Bliss.

10. There was then no happiness and sorrow; there was only Bliss.

11. He desired to experience Viraha, the pains and pleasures of

12. This He achieved through His Swa-Tantra.

13. By concealing His Swa-Dharma.

14. Swa-Dharma is His Nature.

15. Swa-Tantra is His actionless action.

16. Swa-Dharma is concealed in the Leela. It exists beneath the Leela.

17. In Swa-Dharma there is Infinite Bliss.

18. He concealed His Bliss to experience both happiness and sorrow.

19. He entered Her and became an Actor.

20. This He did by becoming coiled and entangled with Her.

21. And by appropriating a part of Her Dance which She Danced for Him.

22. The part appropriated is His role in the Leela.

23. The part appropriated is His body in the Dance.

24. Together these two parts make up His Part as the Actor.

25. The Dance is the world, and He with the appropriated body is the

26. He became a part of Her Dance through appropriation.

27. The mechanics of appropriation and concealment is the coil of the
Magic Snake.

28. Through it, He becomes coiled and entangled with Her.

29. And appropriates an Acting Part for Himself in Her Dance.

30. Thus He gets entangled in joy and sorrow.

31. And He experiences the joys and pains of Viraha that He desired.

32. Before His entry into Her, He was Heaven and She was Earth.

33. And together they experienced the Bliss of the Seventh Heaven.

34. His Swa-Dharma was then not concealed.
35. And His action was Swa-Tantra and no-body was acting.

36. By His entry into Her, He became an Actor.

37. And He concealed His Swa-Tantra for the Actor to be acting.

38. And He concealed His Swa-Dharma for the Actor to experience joy
and pain.

39. He gave to the Actor, the Code of Dharma out of His Swa-Dharma.

40. When the actor abides by this Dharma, He obtains the Bliss of

41. It is called happiness, joy, pleasure, etc depending on the
colours of Her Dance through which the Bliss is seen.

42. When the actor abides not by Dharma, He obtains the darkening of

43. It is called sorrow, anguish, pain, etc depending on the colours
of Her Dance through which Bliss is darkened.

44. Thus He experiences Viraha.

45. Dharma is the Law of Conjugal Relationship between Heaven and

46. Dharma gives them happiness and joy.

47. Adharma gives them sorrow and pain.

48. She is His Nature, and He is Her Existence.

49. His Dharma is the Law of Natural Justice.

50. Dharma and adharma are rules of the game of the Lord's Leela of

51. Dharma and adharma are made out of Dharma.

52. Just as truth and untruth are made out of Truth.

53. Or existence and non-existence are made out of Existence.

54. There is always the Trinity.

55. Firstly there is That which is, secondly there is That which is
appearing as that which is, and thirdly there is That which is
appearing as that which is not.

56. The Magic is achieved through the mechanics of the Magic Snake.

57. The Leela continues until the Magic Snake goes up to the Seventh

58. Until the Magic Snake goes up, He continues to play the Actor.

59. This He does with the coil of His Magic Snake.

60. It has three and half coils.

61. And it creates more and more coils when the Actor thinks that he
is uncoiled.

62. Thinking is not the way to uncoil the Snake.

63. It is a way to perpetuating adharma and conjugal unhappiness.

64. It promotes the illusion that the rules of the Game may not be

65. Thinking that the actor is uncoiled creates more coils and
entanglements for the actor.

66. To abstain from creating more coils is playing by the rules of
Dharma and to partake of the Conjugal Happiness of Heaven and Earth.

67. It is the Harmony of Heaven and Earth that Confucius knew well.

68. It has the name of Pravritti Dharma. In Cina-Desha it is called
the Tao of Confucius.

69. It is not meant for uncoiling the Snake, but to play the Leela of
Conjugal Happiness.

70. Because every body is not ready to uncoil the Magic Snake.

71. The three and half coils remain in Pravritti Dharma.

72. If the coils were not to remain, the Leela of Viraha would be

73. Pravritti Dharma appears in the presence of three and half coils.

74. Uncoiling is another kind of Dharma.

75. Uncoiling the Magic Snake has the name of Nivritti Dharma.

76. But what happens when the Actor says that there is no Leela?

77. Or when the Actor says the rules of the game are different than
they are?

78. The Actor then gets more coiled up and entangled.

79. And it leads to greater adharma.

80. But adharma is also part of the Leela of the Lord's Viraha.

81. It cannot be otherwise. Therefore is the world called Leela.

82. To play the Game of Dharma is to obtain happiness in this world.

83. To play the Game of Adharma is to obtain sorrow in this world.

84. Dharma is the Law in the field of action.

85. The Self does not act. The Actor acts. Therefore he is called the

86. Yajna is a Special Sacrifice to repay the Devas who are special
kinds of Actors.

87. When there is obstruction from the world for performing yajna,
the Law of Dharma provides reprieve to the Actor.

88. That is vishesha dharma. It operates to the extent there is

89. Obstruction is obstruction from the external world. Bad thoughts
are not obstructions to yajna.

90. Because the Actor is the self alongwith the appropriated body
(and thoughts) as one singular jiva.

91. Thought is internal to the Actor; the world is external. Thought
belongs to the action. The world belongs to that which is Acted Upon.

92. Thought is internal act; yajna is external act.

93. Thought belongs to the realm of the devas, rakshasas and asuras.

94. The devas strive for yajna, the rakshasas and asuras strive to
disrupt yajna. These are good and bad thoughts.

95. The devas, rakshasas and asuras are forever at war with another.

96. The world of thought and the world of the devas, rakshasas and
asuras are not different.

97. The actions of men and the actions of the devas, rakshasas and
asuras are not different.

98. The enjoyment that men obtain and the enjoyment that the
immortals obtain are not different enjoyments. It is only the
magnitude that is different.

99. The world of the devas, rakshasas and asuras is concealed due to
the outward directedness of the mind and senses.

100. When the Heavens rejoice, there is Joy on Earth.

101. May we rejoice on Earth and may we obtain entry to Heaven. May
Lord Shiva protect us and give us joy, peace and knowledge.


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