Monday, August 18, 2008

Fw: [ShivaYoga] Eye of the Sun and Beauty ........Dante's beatrice and ibn arabi's nizam !

'Now this Sheikh had a daughter, a lithesome young girl who captivated
the gaze of all those who knew her, whose mere presence was the
ornament of our gatherings, and startled all those who contemplated it
to the point of stupefaction. Her name was Nizam, and her surname "Eye
of the Sun and of Beauty." Learned and pious, with an experience of
spiritual and mystic life, she personified the venerable antiquity of
the entire Holy Land. The magic of her glance, the grace of
her conversation were such an enchantment that when, on occasion, she
was prolix, her words flowed from the source; when she spoke concisely,
she was a marvel of eloquence; when she expounded an argument she was
clear and transparent... .If not for the paltry souls who are ready for
scandal and predisposed towards malice, I should commend her on the
beauties of her body as well as her soul, which was a garden of
generosity.' " [Quoted by Cowan from the Divan "The Interpreter of
Ardent Desires" from 'A Collection of Mystical Odes by Ibn Arabi,'
translated by R. A. Nicholson.]

so ! beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!



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