Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fwd: [19 Isaiah] Fwd: The Mahdi (2nd, 10th or 12th coming/immam) and Advaita-Tantra

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From: chittaranjan naik <>
Date: Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 1:25 PM
Subject: [19 Isaiah] Fwd: The Mahdi (2nd, 10th or 12th coming/immam) and Advaita-Tantra
To: isaiah19 <>

--- In, 
"Ralph Bakr" <108@...> wrote
on June 14, 2006:  
Dear brothers and sisters,  It is a pleasure to know i can reach you like this.  This egroup (IZLAM, BAKR) gathers people who firmly believe in the return of the messiah. They prepare to obey/serve him. Their desire is to be a servant, slave, 'nail' and warrior in his worldly and other-worldly empire. That makes this group of people religious in the sense that they are organised as an ancient and strictly traditional brotherhood. Because all of them obey the same Gd, their faith is mono-theistic.   Many people belief in the return of a certain person under whom all the peoples of the planet unite.   In arab this person is called the mahdi.   Islam is the brotherhood who prepares to obey the madhi. Once the madhi is recognised, muslims will pray and bow towards the mahdi. This means to pledge and to renew their faith and loyalty. Untill and beyond the portal of death.  Much more than hundreds of millions of people will be the army and islamic nation of the mahdi.   Previously this egroup was called Advaita-Tantra. What is the difference? There is really no difference!  What does it matter in which language the name is? If some scared hindus unsubscribe because they see a word that hits a red button in their brain, if was good they proceeded their studies elsewhere. Many people are doing valuable work.   The idea is that we are courageous enough to consider a few ideas. And then we are asked to make a decision.   There are many names in this category for the man who comes at the end of times like 'messiah', the mahdi or mujaddid.  Many people believe in the return of a certain saviour, messiah, prophet or second (christian), 10th (hinduism) or 12th (islam)coming. There is an ancient brotherhood who prepares for the rule of this man.  Perhaps you are also part of that brotherhood.  Would you be loyal to the Mahdi regardless of his race?  The word goes around that this man is currently alive as a boy in islamic circles. As a 'twain'.   But let's be realistic: throughout time, the situation was very bad with obnoxious and unbearable suffering and the people dreamt of a man who could restore order and dignity. Why would he come so in the very beginning of the 3rd millennium?   Undoubtedly he will be able to address the poor people by life- and translated broadcasts. Worldwide. Most likely he will also be able to get the majority of the muslims behind him. This can all happen within one day. If he commands jihad, they will go into death for their leader. The martyr-death is glorified in Islam.   Some people fear that a tremendous clash is upcoming. And perhaps it is inevitable now that the US army marched into the heart of Islam (Baghdad, Iraq). Iraq has several important religious places of pelgrimage. These places are important to me. They were built by people i respect.  Much more noisy than those who fear the next war, are those who long for what they hope and pray will be the last battle.  Their army is roudy. It is growing in strength and in fact invincibility. If Maharishi Mahesh Yogi wants to bring world-peace, he will need an alliance with one of the mulla's or ayatollahs.  But the mahdi?   I would like to draw a certain picture that is possible. Nobody can foresee the future, but such series of events is not unlikely at all and THIS is perhaps the real reason why the US intelligence is nestling in Afghanisthan, Iraq, Kashmir and Pakistan: the Mahdi is expected to currently grow up in those regions. The US is eager on spotting him before he appears on worldwide television. To offer other indoctrination. This boy is probably learning combat-strategies at early age.  Islam is an active faith.  The loyalty of millions of men and warriors lies with this brotherhood. They have patience but they prepare themselves. Their number is expected to grow into billions literally.  I bring a certain mix of religion/prophesy. It is Himalayan Mysticism fused with Islam. We call it =Lam. It is remembering and preparing how to serve the mahdi.  Many people consider all talk about an upcoming messiah wasted time of idealists and lunatics. They forget that now there is mass-media.  I ask people to consider what will happen when many different schools and sects in Islam unite under one leader.  Anyone who studied the Koran knows that these people are loaded to fight. They are simply waiting. Waiting. In poverty. Surpressed. Invaded by the enemy and 'the evil empire'. To me it is surprising how they can wait so long while having to bear much humiliation, discrimination and poverty. What is only proper defense or their only way to defend or to make a statement, we should not lable with 'terrorism'.  Muslims have revolutionary ideas but they are obedient and wait. They are trained to possibly wait their entire life. Without losing faith. The muslim faith, command and lifestyle (directed towards compassion- in-action and unwavering discipline) is strong.  How many people do you know who have radical ideas, heart, will-power and are obedient? It is an interesting sort of new breed of men. The current political leaders lack the vision to steer humanity through a necessary quantum-breakthrough. They have faith only in the old ways. We can not reach our destination in the year 2012 by looking all the time in the rear-mirror. Vision provides the way and not conflicts and disaster.  New leadership is going to take over all positions of control. All souls will resonate to the heart of the mahdi. He bring the higher vision; a vision that no ordinary man can conceive of yet.   We expect new interested out of the West for the Brotherhood (army) of the mahdi. Some people there also have revolutionary ideas. If you as a reader reject the Jihad, you may as well unsubscribe from this egroup. The ideal state (200 %) can not be achieved without inner nor outer battle.  Obedience has to be trained so that patience results. Only with this elixer of loyalty and faith, can the upcoming Jihad be won.  The Mahdi will establish the Islamic State.  How can any civilian prepare? By choosing for the Islam or =Lam, one seeks the guidance of an immam, ayatollah, sheikh or mulla. This person is for you the spokesperson of the madhi. Everything he says to you, is infused by the energy of the mahdi and you take nothing lightly. Any instruction or even advice is basically a command for you unless there are of course reasons you can not participate in or execute something for other important reasons. E.g. pertaining to family. But a Brotherhood is firstly a brotherhood! The prophets, sages and seers (Peace be with them) left us all clear instructions.  =Lam is a front portal, especially designed for westerners, to learn more about the islamic state and to develop faith in the mahdi. It is a loyalty of brotherhood and sisterhood.  The latest and most ancient prophesy - that we in =Lam subscribe to - is that the messiah comes as a Twain.  When the madhi will die in battle ... and this is almost inevitable ... his twain (teacher, wife, sister, lover) will lead humanity to peace.  If this is your vision and you accept this vision as knowledge, feel free to learn more about =Lam.  Kind greetingsz,   Asalaamaleikum   Ralph Bakker.  --- End forwarded message ---   

Dear Friends, Dear Sisters And Brothers, Dear Spiritual Soul,

Shivayoga is one of oldest technique concentration involved in all
religious teachings (and which today present) and open for each Soul.

Please note that this our group is not a criticism of any person
whatsoever, but instead a specific point intended to foster a true
spiritual understanding of the Shivayoga philosophy. Shivayoga
philosophy is one from deepest source for direct experience of God.
This Divine perspective is full practically, historically,
scientifically, poetically, philosophically, spiritualitally,
mistically and devotionally part of unity with God.

May God Bless your Soul with best understooding Shivayoga philosophy

Lord Branko in exhile

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