From: Lowen Vaz <>
Date: Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 7:35 PM
Subject: Re: [ShivaYoga] Ksheera Bhavaani .... the deity of the Saffron Valley .... ...
a little more my dear sister adi and you would have knocked my socks
i wanted to post something into shivyoga yesterday and for got sometime earlier agin i thought of posting it and again i for got
now i will post it here
i recieved this wonderful line while i was in the market some 2 days back
it was the end part of a conversation of some one
two people a gent a lady were carring something a bag it was about afternoon and the sun was hot
in fact the whoe day was hot
any way the line was
if you are going to agrue it is going to become heavier
welcome my dear sister adi to the new shivyoga group
__._,_.___Dearest Lowen :
Thank you , sweet heart, for inviting me into your shrine and into
your hearts .
i am lookng for my divine mother , Ksheera Bhavaani ? i have been
searching for her for the pAst few years . She is missiing . Have the
mulim FANATICS and Hindu EXTREMISTS driven HER underground ?Yes! My
Mother Bhavaani devi may hide from us humans but can us humans hide
from Devi ? Something to think about!
i dedicate these lines to you all
Vivadhe, Vishadhe, pramadhe, pravase,
Jale cha anale parvathe shatru madhye,
Aranye, saranye sada maam prapahi,
Gathisthwam, Gathisthwam, thwam ekaa Bhavani.
While I am in a heated argument,
While I am immersed in sorrow,
While I am suffering an accident,
While I am travelling far off,
While I am in water or fire,
While I am on the top of a mountain,
While I am surrounded by enemies,
And while I am in a deep forest,
Oh Goddess, I always bow before thee,
So you are my refuge and my only refuge, Bhavani
( adi shankara bhagvadapada)
PS : Lowen, this is to wish you all a wonderful journey in your quest
for the ultimate Truth!
Best Wishes
In this way we will help you to realise your soul and to be enlightened with the knowledge of GOD. BLESSINGS TO ALL WHO READ THIS. Pls repeat the holy mantra 'Om Namah Shivaya' as often as possible - with joy and awareness.![]()
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