Hi loves,
I am not sure what is going on here, neither am i particularly
interested in lending myself to it. So I began a new post thread line.
Fresh and new.
I posted along the lines of this sentiment in the cave of the heart. I
will repost it here for sake of ease:
A candle in a windless place:
Life is full of upset and imbalance,
many things are out of our control.
But what is in our control,
is how we respond to these events.
How we perceive events is largely based
on our prior experiences,
and our reactivity to these things
is where it is important to employ
tenderness and care.
Reactivity is defensive in nature.
Responsiveness is conscious in nature.
This does not mean spontaneity is a bad thing.
But it does illustrate our natural level of consciousness,
since it is Beyond thought, and planning.
This too is not a bad thing. How can we know about ourselves
without knowledge of our present positions on things?
How can we employ conscious responsiveness
and stay in balance with spontaneity?
It depends on your motives, it depends on what it is you truly desire.
Do you desire love? Do you desire growth?
Do you desire peace? Or, stimulation?
Unconsciously, these desires are projected onto experiences.
These unconscious drives to obtain our desires frame our
selves in the position to express those desires.
So, knowing yourself and true desires, is important in living a
conscious life.
When we know ourselves, we can be like a candle in a windless place.
Because we are determined in what we want. We know what to lend
ourselves to, and not lend ourselves to.
If you don't want something truly, then we ought not put ourselves in
a position to interact with that thing.
If you want for peace, act accordingly to bring it to manifest in your
life. Otherwise, you will not experience it. Likewise, with anything else.
May prayer for you all today is to yourself reflected in the antics of
each other. Because today i can not differentiate who is who.
I don't know anyone and feel like a stranger in a familiar place.
It appears "the thing" is taking on a power of its own, and eating
everyone who interacts with it. By "the thing" I mean the dynamic
which everyone is lending themselves to in this group.
Untether, and unfetter yourselves. You may *think* you are not
contributing to the Becoming of "this thing." But, I assure you, you
May that "thing" become disempowered, and be dropped like a hot
potato. May you all reflect, and contribute love to a new dynamic.
That is my sincere prayer for you all involved.
When I feel Love, and the unique expression of Love, I am attracted
like a bee to honey. I become familiar to those expressing it. Until
that time comes, I am alone and a stranger.
There is no place for me here- that is what you have all made me feel
like in this interaction. That I don't belong here. And, I have not
been able to contribute since I have felt that way, except to haresh'
divine post which spoke beautifully to a wonderful sentiment.
I am saddened by my new found loneliness. I have been praying for you
all to Become beautiful expressions of your unique selves again.
sincerest love,
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