Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fw: [shivayoga] Clay Pot and Potter/ Dream/Name/Sathya/ Nitha and..

Gold Ornaments and Gold smith
Sathya Name Anithya Nithya

Whats that famous quote in Vedantha that begins after

Sahana Bhavathu Sahanow Bhunakthu Sahave veeryam karavavahe
Om shanthi Shaknthi shanthi..( the abouve is the contract between
Guru adn Sishya and Dakshina moorthy)
wahts that Chittha.. that follows this sanskrit werse which is often
quoted in Vedantha..

that is to do with Clay Pot and Potter,,and that has to do with NAME
Sathya,,Nithya and Anithya

That is Clay is Clay,,but when it takes a form..we call it as a Pot (
refernce to Naming and dream objects)
But that pot is also a pot..

but we cannot call a POT as Clay

So Lanugage and Akshara takes a form

that POT is termed .. i think NIthya or something a Beaaaaaatiful
sanskrit world that has very few parallel meanings..

then It goes on to desciribe the role of Potter,,

( Pot ultimately becomes Clay.. susbtance is clay..but we have
dirfferent pots made out of that same clay but we give differernt
names,,so Nithya is needed To reach beyond Nithya)
Dwaitha is needed to bgo beyond and reach Adwaitha

The ultimate concept then evolves


Brahman is all the three
Clay Pot and Potter


Similar anolgies that

GOLD takes different forms.. and we givev differnt names such as
Chain,,Bangles and necklace and so on..
but it is all gold..

then we say GOLD ORNAMENTS AND GOLD SMITH are all pervasive,,

such as the beatiful Descirp[tion of Dream ..of Haresh

actually this Dream is also quoted in the same Vedantha Dialectics..

YEs A good Sur name ofr Jesus

another Name.. in fact the only name that is mentioned in the Old
testament in Isiah chapter ..begining..
is the only name of Jesus which is

Immannuel,which in hbrew means " God is with us"
messiah means messenger,,Prophet,,

ONLY IN New Testament the name JEsus is mentioned which has its roots

In JOshua and JUDAS!

finally ,,back to he pot potter clay concept,,,

we say.. that when a Yagna is perfomeed

Yagna is Krshna ..the offerings are Krshna and the performer priest
is also krshna

" Om Poornam Poornamdham ...

Poornam eve vasishyathe

If you take the whole ,,from whole what that remains is also whole

( jehova is the name for EL Shaddhai the FATHER,,and he also has
other names such as Yehve ( the Hewbres dont use Capitals to
desciribe GOD is conisered Blasphemy they Use Jehova as a
number 15,,but they dont use the nukm,bne rin thsi way

they say9-6

and Other names of Father are

Adoani,,ISHI and so on

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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