Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fw: [shivayoga] Re: Dani IS SOPHIA for Chitta

--- In, "Kallellam Manikka Kallaguma"
<krshna78@...> wrote:
> All those Scholary People are good.. But to me.. they are just
> follwoing Protocols without Wisdom similar to Wovles regurgitating
> Similar to LIsa vomiting the teachings of
> that penny baba
> haha.. this is a nice name for sai baba
> penny baba
> ( yes he produces Vibhuthi that costss only peniies.. and in so
> doing.. he has destroyed and ruined the poor people whose cottage
> industry and sruving means were to produce this vibhuthi... as the
> sai trust took control of vibhuithi factory.. its all a financial
> racke.. that you dont know)
> penni baba peni baba penis baba..
> that title soounds right
> hey adi..
> just becos some one who helops charitable work.. then dont think he
> is an avatar..
> if thats so
> the RED CORSS Org Is an avatar
> OX fam charity is an avaatar
> canceer charity is an avatar
> salvation army is an avatar
> i know adi.. you know .. and i know. thatou are beyond all this
> but do give resepct to penni baba as you wuold to
> oxfam chairty.. and thats it..
> nolting more than that
> but a corrupt politically directed sai trust
> i know much more ....much ,much...
> about the murder of 4 peole in 1993 in parthi ashram
> adn so on.. and so forth..;
> asuras are divine..
> they are aware of sasthras
> they have powers such as indrajit
> and mahabali
> but keep asuras as asuras
> we dont need asuras in kali yuga
> who materialises vibhuthi .. that costs pennies
> we need avatars that
> stimulate the genius of IIT professionasll
> and creative energy

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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