Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fwd: [19 Isaiah] Re: How to adorn oneself

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: R Bakker - in exhile ... <>
Date: Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 7:42 PM
Subject: [19 Isaiah] Re: How to adorn oneself

Dear Krishna,

You are special. I admire your qualities as Master of Ceremony (MC). You have the unique ability to bring special human beings together, to uplift each and every one of them and to introduce humor. Humor is SOO important! 

It is wonderful when in a group of people each person feels special in a special way and for authentic reasons and this is encouraged WHILE we all serve a higher purpose.

It is absolutely true that Yoga5, Mata-Mona and Mahadevi are each highly special. I wish you would be able to not loose energy with people who are not worthy. Each person needs to overcome jealousy. 

I know very little about christianity and this tradition. It all sounds very false to me. Jesus of Nazareth is for me NOT Jesus Christ. He is a man/prophet and not the (only) son of God. That would be blasphemy with regard e.g. to all the rishis and yogi's from India and holy people elsewhere. 

I wish history would be set right. Vatican needs to open the secret libraries. Bible is false. Why all these churches with a cross? Jesus did not die on the cross. 

I am very connected with the Himalaya - especially Kashmir. I hate this war in Afghanistan that is so unfair and unequal in military terms. It makes me very angry. 

I am highly interested to find the common thread in all major prophesies. 

I can not stand the pervert commerce in our western civilisation or the double standards that the western politicians impose. This is why i very much respect and perhaps adore the Iranian regime even though i am aware every regime has it's shortcomings and pitfalls and nowhere is perfect (yet). 

I hate to see all this slavery. 

It is so painful for me how noble souls often are not able to work together and there is so much miscommunication and Tower of Babel. Still too many projections. Each person working for him- or herself. 

We all believe in miracles Krishna. Every miracle perhaps also needs hard work and application. I am willing to apply myself - but only for a highly lofty purpose. 

Om Namah Shivaya

Hari Bol

Heartily greetingsz,

Ralph Ali Nataraj from Tryambaka-lineage of fools and sorcerers.

yes Dear Ralph,
We are all with You where ever you are.
Wish I could have joined you where ever you are.
But I listened to your Wisdom advise on certain things.

yes Ralph Thanks.. I have Moved Beyond Rasa leala
and Foucssing on Al Mahdi and Prophet Ali.

You do know How much I am impressed with Your FOCUS and GOAL ORIENTED
ARROWS similar to Arjuna

YOu are inspiring

Yes Ralph.. I listened to your advise and moved Beyond those tactics
of Most Woman , almost all women ,except a few such as

Dani Samana bliss and mahadevi

I will not trust adi ..never

and I will not trust any more women in my life other than

dani saman bliss and mahadevi

now we will move towards our missioin

I am free now.. from all the yahoo groups
and shall focus only on our mission

Me and Chitta..
rather chitta is also trying to get in touch wiht

karan singh

Dear Friends, Dear Sisters And Brothers, Dear Spiritual Soul,

Shivayoga is one of oldest technique concentration involved in all
religious teachings (and which today present) and open for each Soul.

Please note that this our group is not a criticism of any person
whatsoever, but instead a specific point intended to foster a true
spiritual understanding of the Shivayoga philosophy. Shivayoga
philosophy is one from deepest source for direct experience of God.
This Divine perspective is full practically, historically,
scientifically, poetically, philosophically, spiritualitally,
mistically and devotionally part of unity with God.

May God Bless your Soul with best understooding Shivayoga philosophy

Lord Branko in exhile
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