Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fwd: [shivayoga] Fwd: Re: adi must apologise to Loven and to Lassie and lovens father

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Janardhana <>
Date: Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 2:36 PM
Subject: [shivayoga] Fwd: Re: adi must apologise to Loven and to Lassie and lovens father

Once Adi Apologises, then there would be peace and calm, as Adi is
some one who is known for SPLITTING and taking sides and Supporting
Lisa who ABused Dani called Dani as a Brute BOZO,WHore and a slut
and this adi keeps encouraging angel and lisa and ,,absues LIven
Chitta and me
that is not forgivable.
You cannot post here adi unless you apologise to Lowen, wash his feet
and Apologise to lassie his dog, as you abused lassie too

adn You need to apologise to Haggie the father of Loven
and set an Example to thers, that You are the one to be forgiven and
the one to forigive
If you do this,,
then I may think of Forgiving you

--- In, "Janardhana" <krshna78@...>

Unless You apologise to lassie and To loven and wash his divine
feet,, You cannot Post here and You cannot be in peace,,as you called
Loven as Bastard and father less,, when He has posted several
messages on his hather haggi.

--- In, "adi_shakthi16"
<adi_shakthi16@> wrote:
> don't open Shiva yoga
> and do all your mischief here as you want to belittle baba and his
> devotees !
> why you want your grp to belittle sai devotees
> as far as lowend lowen is concerned , it is he who needs to
> for many things he is guilty of!
> lisa has not done that much damage to any of us as you have done
> your filthy mouth and using people's ids to cause all this mayhem!
> you have tarnished chiitaa's image ! !
> --- In, "adi_shakti16" <krshna78@>
> wrote:
> >
> > yes I shall not open Shiva yoga,,for a while,I know about you
> >
> > You Must Apoologise to Lowen and you also abused lassie his dog
> > and you called Lowen as a bastard saying He does not know his
> father.
> > So better apolgoise to Loven and to his dog, lassie
> > Then I shall think of forgivine you.. may be
> >

--- End forwarded message ---

Shivayoga have and few names Old Yoga (name in Vedic time), Piyusha Yoga, Prachina Yoga, Samyama Yoga, Integral Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga, .., wait on each soul.
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