Friday, August 8, 2008

Fwd: [19 Isaiah] Fwd: storms

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ksheera Sagara <>
Date: Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 2:15 PM
Subject: [19 Isaiah] Fwd: storms

--- In, "hmdaswani" <hmdaswani@...>

Storms are best watched from inside a safe abode, as the whole chaos
goes by, it is actually poetic.

But when you have something to lose in that storm, outside your safe
abode, you either worry helplessly, or run outside to save what could
be lost.

This new chaos is when we have an attachment to something.

Once we enter the storm, we cannot think straight, we try our best to
save what we find dear without knowing if we ourselves are capable of
weathering the storm ourselves.

Before we go out in the middle of the storm to save what we care most,
we have to be knowledgeable of saving ourselves, and properly saving

This entire world is that stormy chaos, and we are in it, but we can
choose to go to that safe abode.

Some of us are capable, some of us need help from someone who can
save us.

And there are those inside who either watch helplessly, or those who
watch without attachment, or those who are capable of saving others,
or those who go out, but are not capable.

It is entanglement, it is the illusion that we are all stuck in.

Many of us do not even realize we are stuck in a major storm, as we
are in a state of shock, and for some time, have gotten accustomed to
this state of life, without realizing that there is something better
than this.

This should be our focal point, either getting back to our abode, or,
if we are in it, helping others get back if we are capable.

No sin in not going out if we cannot even save ourselves.

--- End forwarded message ---

Dear Friends, Dear Sisters And Brothers, Dear Spiritual Soul,

Shivayoga is one of oldest technique concentration involved in all
religious teachings (and which today present) and open for each Soul.

Please note that this our group is not a criticism of any person
whatsoever, but instead a specific point intended to foster a true
spiritual understanding of the Shivayoga philosophy. Shivayoga
philosophy is one from deepest source for direct experience of God.
This Divine perspective is full practically, historically,
scientifically, poetically, philosophically, spiritualitally,
mistically and devotionally part of unity with God.

May God Bless your Soul with best understooding Shivayoga philosophy

Lord Branko in exhile
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