Friday, August 8, 2008

Fwd: [19 Isaiah] Re: Healing/ Chitta/ me/Loven Ralph et all/

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Karuna Mayee Karpagaambha <>
Date: Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 4:26 PM
Subject: [19 Isaiah] Re: Healing/ Chitta/ me/Loven Ralph et all/

--- In, chittaranjan naik
<chittaranjan_naik@...> wrote:
I Obderved the Timing 11 42 UK time

where our messages were at the same time,,
closing in, on the previous message and
so Kaala Chakra is again with us chitta

This is really Reassuring and yes REAL Healing.

I am sure both us never wanted to post ,,
But we did

that was Tempted By Kala Chakra and My desire to REPLY TO
Ali Ralph.

Yes Your message is a wonderful HEALER.

> Devi Kshama Prarthana Stotram
> Aparadha sahasrani kriyanthe aaharnisam maya,
> Daso aayamithi maam mathwa kshamaswa Parameshwari. 1
> Aavajanam na janami, na janami visarjanam,
> Poojam chaiva na janami, kshamyatham Parameshwari. 2
>  Manthraheenam, kriyaheenam, Bhakthiheenam, Sureswari,
> Yath poojitham maya devi paripoornam thadasthuthe. 3
> Aaparadha satham kruthwa jagadambethi cho ucharath,
> Yaam gathim samvapnothe na thaam brahmadaya suraa. 4
> Saparadhosmi saranam prathasthvam jagadambike,
> Idhanee manu kampyoham Yadecchasi thada kuru. 5
> Agnana smrutherbranthya yanyoonam adhikam krutham.
> Thath sarva kshamyadham devi praseedha parameshwari. 6
> Kameshwari jaganmatha sachidananda vigrahe,
> Grahanarchameemam preethya praseeda parameshwari. 7
>  Guhyadhi guhya gopthri grahana asmad krutham japam,
> Sidhir bhavathu mey devi thwat prasadath sureshwari. 8

Dear Friends, Dear Sisters And Brothers, Dear Spiritual Soul,

Shivayoga is one of oldest technique concentration involved in all
religious teachings (and which today present) and open for each Soul.

Please note that this our group is not a criticism of any person
whatsoever, but instead a specific point intended to foster a true
spiritual understanding of the Shivayoga philosophy. Shivayoga
philosophy is one from deepest source for direct experience of God.
This Divine perspective is full practically, historically,
scientifically, poetically, philosophically, spiritualitally,
mistically and devotionally part of unity with God.

May God Bless your Soul with best understooding Shivayoga philosophy

Lord Branko in exhile
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