Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fwd: [shivayoga] Colors of Adi/Moment of Truth

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: yoga4you <>
Date: Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 8:36 PM
Subject: [shivayoga] Colors of Adi/Moment of Truth

Adi you are a beautiful, gentle, loving woman. With a beautiful
smile, intellect and soul.

No one could make you appear as anything other than that, especially
not anyone, not angel,lisa, or even krishna.

Be who you are, you do it quite well, with style and wit.

There is no shame in any of it. People are not concerned about each
other or each others feelings. Look at how that Lisa posts, name
calling and such. You are an alcoholic and I a bozo. Its pathetic,
your not pathetic. You have counseling background. You ever hear
of "rose colored glasses" and beliefs of self-efficacy? In long term
relationship studies, those of companionate love last longer, than
other kinds of love. Specifically, when one partner views the other
through lenz of rose colored glasses. In other words, when we see the
finer qualities in a person, your own love is better, and relational
value is much greater, much more long term, with greater potential.

Pedastals are good to put people on. Its better experience for
everybody involved. Please don't worry about this ridculous stuff. It
is not intended to make you question your own value. You are
valuable, and very valuable to me. I appreciate you. Your honesty,
your love, your intellect and insight.

Be content with yourself Maa, you have done nothing wrong. I don't
believe you have been wronged either, except by some petty name-
slinging, and petty accusations from lisa. Other than that, your four
years of relating to Chitta, is divine. You have gained insight he
has gained insight. You love him, he loves you. Where is the wrong in
that? Tell me of any negative thing that has come from that
relationship? But angel and lisa stimulate nothing but doubt and
skepticism, nothing but monkeys throwing poo. heh.

There is no way you, or me can know it all from the internet. This
stupid crusade angel is on, how can he know whose logging onto which
account? These id's are revolving. He can speculate whatever. So
what..... who cares, u then question 4 and 7 yrs of knowing ppl? And
anyone can log into any account, thus changing...there garb.

But bodies and ips, and id's these all cover up, all mask 1 real
expression. Spirit. so you dance, and you dance like a young
beautiful girl. So why you worry? Ppeople look at you in awe.

And people who don't see your beauty, must be blind, or have shit on
thier face, over thier eyes.


Thats are more than that.

--- In, adi_shakthi16 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> chitta , lowen , krishna 78 all got caught redhanded! Spamming !
> still i forgive them- for they know not what they are doing !
> yes red color stands for blood !
> it also stands for lust and passion
> it also stands for 'sindooram' for auspiciousness
> red ofcourse for the red light ares - brothels
> Red riding hood - adi in red fooled by internet wolves
> red - a;so the color of the saree of an indian bride
> Red - synonymous with communism
> red- also means danger -stop
> red - is also the color of Shiva's third eye
> so on and so on and on
> "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow"


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