Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fwd: [shivayoga] Re: The Color Red .... ..... PASSION, GUILT , SIN - ALL RAJO GUNA

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Red Adi <>
Date: Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 8:23 PM
Subject: [shivayoga] Re: The Color Red .... ..... PASSION, GUILT , SIN - ALL RAJO GUNA

Red the Cheeks turn
Red the colour of Blushed Cheeks

Red the face Turns
Anger Colours Red

Morning Sun Rays too are red

SO today adi shakthi is adi lakshmi
the red Lotus flower

red the Seventh light Spectrum
the Red Raghuvamsa

IS red Colour a COmbination of two clours?

Primary and secondary colours?

Enjoyed your good defence of the QUeens Warrior

By glorifying chitta you glorifed yourself

Your image not at all tarnished

But really Glorified and Divinised.

--- In, adi_shakthi16 <no_reply@...> wrote:
> still i forgive them- for they know not what they are doing !
> yes red color stands for blood !
> it also stands for lust and passion
> it also stands for 'sindooram' for auspiciousness
> red ofcourse for the red light ares - brothels
> Red riding hood - adi in red fooled by internet wolves
> red - a;so the color of the saree of an indian bride
> Red - synonymous with communism
> red- also means danger -stop
> red - is also the color of Shiva's third eye
> so on and so on and on
> "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be white as snow"



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