Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fw: [ShivaYoga - meditate with the Lord] The return of Gandhiji

Episode III:

Chitta, i thought about the following. To draw up a document in which
we outline an alternative world-order. An alternative to the
disastrous destiny the current politicians are pushing us towards. I
can propose many points and content. Everyone however is welcome to
add. Perhaps you can turn it into a smooth document over the coming
months, hopefully aided by others.

People respect democracy so we need to design something that 2/3 of
the worlds population can support. I guess we can start out as an
anti-Christian movement. So much of the wealth is controlled by the
white christians and jews. They form much of the establishment. Our
enemy can thus be called zionists and imperialists. They work through
deception, double standards, divide 'n rule etc.

In the background we want to prepare the Mahdi coming out of
occultation. He is contender. We will launch the Party for
International Royalism in several countries with the aim to gain more
than 50 % of the votes in those countries. This is the way to change
the constitution in those countries to give more ruling power to the

It is obvious that the white, christian rulership of 'democracy and
capitalism' is killing all tribalism. The native-americans, the
mayans, the aboriginals; they all receive their death-blow by the
upsurge of christianity. Few tribes are surviving. Tribalism is not
to be equated with 'primitive'. It is another way to organise
society. In our political plan, tribalism is strongly protected by
royalism. We e.g. support healing with local and regional herbs vs
pharmaceutical products from multinationals and their brainwashing

We foresee a future that is not primarily based on countries but on
zones. People are invited to move to the zone they (feel) belong most
to. This is also the way to stimulate people to move out of the areas
that are tsunami-sensitive. A vital ingredient of our plan for a
revolution is a planned month of total chaos in which there will be
no newspapers, no television and the vast majority of people will not
go to work. The only flights will be soldiers and people returning
home. We will throw all nukes and weapons of mass destruction into
vulcanoes during this month. That month of chaos will hopefully also
be the month that all current politicians will loose their VIP-
status. We want no statues and no memoires from them. They can become
a coach. All of the worlds current leaders are asked to resign and to
become a coach for upcoming and new leadership.

Several prophesies speak about a flood. It is my understanding that
this actually is an un-flood. Water can not increase but it can leak
away to the inside of the earth thus causing the sea-level to drop.
This may however cause a huge floodwave in the beginning. Which will
be disastrous to many metropoles, islands and countries like the
Netherlands. That is why we propose a massive plan to migrate (save)
people and to prepare a totally different way of living. A new world

It is imperitive to understand that the jews were right in that Jesus
of Nazareth was not the messiah. He was a prophet or a holy man but
not the son of God or the christ. He was not the prophesised king.
The prophesised king is alive right now. Every episode has its
winners and losers and the christians will have to give in. They
caused too many wars, bloodshed and raped their own creed. Churches
all over the planet have to be confiscated. The original teaching of
master Jesus needs to be restored and the truth has to come out. The
Vatican has to be forced to open their secret libraries and much of
the worlds history needs to be rewritten. The current bible is
heavily falsified.

The new king of the world will be an Agartthean leader. He is the
long awaited leader of the Shia and he will fulfill the vow. He is
also a master of the Himalaya. He has the ability to unite theists
and atheists. He will unite the family of saint Muhammad. He is also
a tribal leader who respects paganism and polytheism. He can unite/
lead communists, socialists, royalists, conservatives and liberals.
Even extremists can be happy with him.

He is not a friend of the jews and the christians in the beginning
but once he is elected and in power he will also be their king. He
will not defend the super rich and the current establishment.

The month of chaos is important to re-shuffle many things. Mankind
needs to be re-trained and re-educated. We need to re-member. The
media will be used during this month to re-organise society. We shall
try to find the people who truly have leadership-skills. They are
mostly the people who are not leading currently (see e.g. Jovian
Archive and the Global Incarnation Index). We will bring all air-
traffic to a halt except people or soldiers returning home. There
shall be no cars on the road except those absolutely necessary to
distribute food and emergency-transport. There shall be no
entertainment on television or radio and no musical concerts with
celebrities. People can learn to socialise in their neighbourhood.

During the crisis-month it will be decided which businesses will fade
out of existence the coming years because they are a-dharmic and
unnecessary. A plan will be drawn up how to eliminate all automated
weapons except for the Royal Guard. If nations or tribes want to go
to war, they should do it with sword but not automated. National and
international law need to make possible the process of royalisation.
This is similar to nationalisation except here it is for a regional
or international king.

In the future we foresee the election and just rule of an
international king, backed up by 12 regional kings. People will live
in zones. When the Muslims want to live according to the Sharia,
there shall be a zone alotted to them where they can do so. If they
want no tourism, no MTV and no intrusion, they shall have that right.
This is the meaning of a certain zone and there are thousands of

Just like Martin Luther nailed a document on the door of the church
in the 16th century and called for a reformation, we can perhaps
write up a document that is nailed on churchdoors all over the world
in the same night. We can work it out in our different egroups.
People should not be pushed with the insanity of continuing economic
growth. This is the false god of the jews and christians. They are
grossly misled and we need to make that very clear to them. They are
worshipping the golden calf.

Thus spoke Shiva



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