Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fwd: [ShivaYoga] Craving post from Mark Haresh Daswani

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Om Ganesha <>
Date: Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 5:51 PM
Subject: [ShivaYoga] Craving post from Mark Haresh Daswani

crave (krv)
v. craved, crav·ing, craves
1. To have an intense desire for. See Synonyms at desire.
2. To need urgently; require.
3. To beg earnestly for; implore. See Synonyms at beg.
To have an eager or intense desire.


two cups of tea later and it is still there, the desire of Mark to
conquer something.

He has set out a map of all the islands he can travel to and capture.
He has prepared a flag with an interesting array of color. The colors
chosen had to be different from existing flags. Thus, he chose
burgundy and purple. It was a strange looking flag, but it was
important to have one.

By analyzing the map, Mark has found an interesting island in the
vicinity of the African continent. he merely has to conquer the
locals, stick the flag on the ground, and challenge the malnourished
and starving citizenry of the coutnry's capital to go after him for a
fight. He intends to provide rice and food to his own constituents,
while inviting new factories seeking for a place to open their sweat
shop. Everything was well worked out and Mark has a group of 45 people
with him for the project.

He even has a backing of a proper venture capitalist. His company,
Conquest, is intending to go IPO, and has people waiting for it.

It was interesting, the entire country is an enterprise and the ruling
leader is also the country's CEO. Aside from taxes enough for security
and infrastructure, he intends to charge management and leadership
fee. This was to become a capitalist country.

Off went Mark and his 45 other partners, they took a plane and
acquired a boat. Everything is going according to plan.

Mark has now arrived and conquered the tiny island in the African
continent and has set up his new system. Strange enough, it was well
praised. Mark now has the ability to transform ill managed countries
into well oiled economic states. Education was outsourced and
enrollment fee was paid by the government through asking the entire
population to try investing on the future. It worked out fine.

Now, Mark looks at the map again, and finds neighboring countries that
he could easily conquer. 2 years after his first conquest, he took
over 2 more islands and replicated his system. It has become a
franchise, and now, Mark has put his country on IPO and generated a
good amount of funds.

And yet, Mark is craving for something. Apparently, this was not the
conquest he was craving for.

Quite like people who are depressed reaching out for ice cream
thinking it is what they are looking for, it is not curing anything.

Mark's craving is not going away.

He has now tried womanizing as well, and yet it is not working out for

He decides to step back and review the whole situation.

He now realizes that the core problem was that while he wanted to
conquer others, that was not his true craving, he was craving for
spiritual insights, and is addicted to them.

And pickled cabbages.

So Mark now embarks on his spiritual quest, and bought a large jar of
pickled cabbages. He now learns that what he failed to conquer was
himself, and that the universe within us is a lot larger than what is

Internally, we can be infinite, and it goes beyond the whole idea of
physics, but it is the factual matter. We are all infinite looking
outward in a finite world. The greater challenge is the conquest
within, and to those who have realized, such passion can be seen in
their eyes. There is a different drug, a different high in pursuit of
this conquest.

But of course, he will not give up his enterprise. After all, owning
countries was also in his priority list since the age of 5.

In this way we will help you to realise your soul and to be enlightened with the knowledge of GOD. BLESSINGS TO ALL WHO READ THIS. Pls repeat the holy mantra 'Om Namah Shivaya' as often as possible - with joy and awareness.
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